as the topic says, my probation is finally over
actually it ended not long ago, I had to look it up to see when it was over and yeha its over
someone is gonna ask so long story short..... girl I've been friends with forever, her b/f didn't liek me forbid her to talk to me, shes still did so he grabbed her by the throat threw her into the wall and hit her. I ran into him a few days later outside a dairy queen, I didn't start anythign because I promised her I wouldn't, he kept tlaking @!#$ I went to walk away and he started swinging so I broke his arm, nose, jaw, and a few ribs. Got arested and I had to take all the blame (6 years of boxing, a few years of Akido and a few years of Tae Kwan Do.... enough to automatically make me at fault because I'm "trained" and it was "excessive" which is BS) she said if he pressed charges she would press charges so I ended up with 2 years probation because of the city instead of facing agravated assault and battery.
but yeah no more probation
I'm training to be a cage fighter too
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
i wish i was off probation. i'm glad that your off. seems like bs why you was on. but the citys and states have there way's with the system. i just wish my probation didnt have my fighting in it like yours did or else i would be screwed. cause i was in the military. " i know i cant spell "
Glad to hear you're off Ryan. I remember hearing the story awhile ago about you getting arrested and all that crap. Why are so many guys such a*holes to ladies??
And even to other guys too...
I really don't know what to say.
Do you know where the weight room is????
lowercontrol wrote:I really don't know what to say.
I was thinking more along the lines of "hey thats awsome lets go out and get loaded and pick a bar fight hahahah just kidding
and Brandon I'm not someone with a temper problem, ZI don't get mad easily, frustarated or annoyed yes but not mad
Ryan - AKA Darkstars - AKA Van Damme ! ! !
Wow, yea I do remember hearing about this.
"I was thinking more along the lines of "hey thats awsome lets go out and get loaded and pick a bar fight" "hahahah just kidding" -Ryan-
You can do it ! <Waterboy>
NightmareSS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC STG 2
I understand exactly what you went through, except I wasn't arrested for it.
I went to a party with one of my friends that I have known since I was like 6. Well we kinda drifted our own way once we got to the party, I started talking to my buddies and she started "Mingaling"(spelling) with the guys. I ended up spilling a beer on my shirt so i went to the bathroom to try and delute the smell a little bit. Walked by the bedroom and heard her yell get off me. Swung the door open and there was some dude with his pants down trying to rip her pants off... thats when you get angry and its uncontrolable.
Ripped him off her and just started swinging, broke his nose, cut his eye wide open, and probably jurled some teeth loose. The two of us left the room and closed the door. Went to the bathroom washed my hand and shirt off and we left. Never got caught.
Glad to hear that your done with Probation... now just keep your nose clean, they are real @!#$s the second time through.
Yes I remember hearing about his too. Glad to hear your off. I had something similar to this after I broke some guy's finger in three places. But that was because I had mulitiple years including two back to back championships in thumb wrestling.