that's bull@!#$. i want to see every @!#$ harley with straight pipes and v8s with straight pipe pulled over just as often as 4 cylinders.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
Good thing the SLP Loudmouth system I'm picking up Saturday for the Goat looks stock, since they're only going by "visual observation"... lol. what about going by sound? This system is going to be obnoxious, but since it looks stock, will I be alright?
Oh wait I don't have to pass emissions where I live.
I <3 Northern IL.
Sold 2/2/05
Well i just called and I express my concerns on this Bill that I'm NOT in favor of Bill (H.B. 2221) and they just wrote down my name and info.
Good. This is exactly what we need. The biggest problem I have with this bill is the "Visual Inspection". Other states use a sound decibel procedure which a least makes a little sense.
Also if you don't want to call you can fax any of the members of the committee at:
(618) 274-3010 or (773) 869-9046
I don't have their email information.
&*ck there laws, modding cars has been an american tradition since they rolled off the lot and one of the #1 things to do is exhaust... This law is gahey considering you know that half the people out there don't even car about the noise.. only old people and nerds care... besides if you pass emissions your obviously within guidlines and if you are flying down a side street at 4am your obviously an a$$ anyways so you deserve a obstruction of peace ticket but thats all we need no more laws.
^^^^^^LMAO he said nerds.
If anyone would like to actually check the full wording of the bill that was passed by the house and is coming in front of the senate soon,
click here.
If you would prefer to email to a senator directly, I have one email address.
Enjoy, and take your civic duty by the balls and flood this guy w/ emails. Let him know how we feel about this bill.
i think this is really stupid, my car runs so much better now with aftermarket exhaust, still passing emissions!!!! its just another way to hand out more tickets and collect more money from us.
hey, its just a Z24!!!!!
ya there are tons of ways around this.
Visual observation, what if i want to put a 4 inch tip on my stock exhaust, doesnt change emissions, or really sound that much, heck the ls sport comes with a 3 inch tip on it i believe.
Again some people do it for straight sound, i say great reason to pick up the "ricers" who toss an obnoxiously loud muffler on their otherwise stock car. That is being hypocritical, but i wish they could give tickets for stupidity... anyway...
And finally like stated above many systems are based on PERFORMANCE not sound.
Visual observations are difficult to prove/hold up although its their word vs yours. They would have to be able to say anyone who has a 4 inch or larger tip muffler falls into the category.
Finally ... ya every truck/motorcycle/hot rod with straight pipes should be included.
Finally pt 2.... again like above, dont be racing all over town just go at lower speeds and dont open it up all the time is a good way not to get caught.
^^^ I've gotten pulled over sitting at a stop light not moving for my exhaust
and its not overly loud
Done my dad brothers uncle and i just sent emails
"Order of First Reading" is today.... This is gonna put a damper on my exhaust, eh well. Like me and my buddy say "F88k the law" (altho we were refering to our 16yo ex when we said it...)
Just sent an E-Mail and voiced my opinion. That bill is retarded !
NightmareSS - 2005 Chevy Cobalt SS/SC STG 2
lmao this is just one more thing ronnie c has to worry about. i got 100 bones on his bail if that bill gets passed.... because he is gonna go ape... on that cop!
Not good for Turbo guys with straight thru exhaust.....
Im screwed....
I got a tuner exhaust for ya
everyone knows that if we went for bikes then they would find something wrong with them, but since we have modded cars they are nailing us to the wall. everything we do they are gonna find something wrong with's just a way for the state to say "you can't do anything except sit in you stock car in your driveway and rot.
Good thing about bike exhausts is aftermarket looks a lot like OE
Visual inspection would pass them.
Now I hear they're banning all license plate covers too, even clear ones
. I know exactly why tho, it's all those specially-made clear ones that defeat the red light cameras. The flash on the camera lights up w/e is in the special clear covers and blocks out the plate. Too bad for the dumb state that you can buy a spray-on version of the stuff, just spray it on ur plate like Rain-X on the windows. That law takes effect Jan 1, 2006
I don't live in IL (I'm in MO) but I e-mailed them anyway. I have stock exhaust too, but every e-mail helps I guess.
question? it says if "based on visual observation, it is equipped with a muffler or exhaust system that clearly has been modified to amplify or increase the noise of the vehicle." Could that just mean adding those whistle things or putting holes in a Muffler? maybe a aftermarket muffler is still acceptable unless it has been modified to be annoying....Like removing the insides and such? Any ideas on that? granted I expect that this being IL they will fail anyone that has a muffler that isn't smaller than 2 inchs at the exit and looks shiney....But maybe it's not as bad as it seems?
Everything LOUDER than everything else!!