venom 400 pcm - Performance Forum
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i already have it, and i have had it for going on a year now(2.2 ecotec). i just want some input on it from people, i like opinions. i am in school for auto tech as we speak and i have hooked up the "Tech II" to my OBDII while the venom was on and revved it up a few times and watched my air/fuel ratio fluxuation. it may run somewhat more rich therefore more air is needed but it does not "dump" more fuel in as some people claim and make it run extremely rich. if that was the case i would have black smoke coming from my tail pipe. so please no arguementive comments or trash talk, we arent in middle school anymore yall...i just want peoples input and if you have it or have had it on your car please feel free to give your opinion.
all it does is make the tps read about 10% higher than what it normally does. basically, it makes the computer think you pressed the pedal harder than you actually did. thats it.
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It modifies sensor readings and "tricks" the computer. Basically your engine is running off incorrect information. To make any safe/worthwhile changes to your ECM/ECU/what ever you want to call it you have to get a software program like HPTuners.
jake b wrote:if that was the case i would have black smoke coming from my tail pipe.
Your cat is catching it.

Considering that all N/A ECO pcms use Alpha-N as the fueling scheme, it would be a reasonable assumption that the computer will call for more fuel with such a device. However, the ECO pcm is a little more sophisticated in that it will command stoich AFR for just about any load (from what I've gathered). So, even with the Venom 400, it's possible that the pcm will just lean out the bins and the car won't respond any differently with or without it. In any case, point is, it doesn't do anything useful for your car.
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well the funny thing is i can feel a pretty good amount of gain with it yea it is increasing power. i know it does for a fact its your opinion and i am happy with that. i just like to hear what people got to say about things. lets say i get about 10-15 hp from it, yea nothing to write home to mom about, but for 300 bucks thats a decent upgrade. i mean if you want significant amounts of power you are going to spend thousands. it may just trick my ecu, but i have never ever ever heard of a "trick" mod messing up or frying an ecu. and yes my cat is catching the exhaust, but if it was "dumping" as some say, the cat cant grab everything. it would still run black.
jake b wrote:well the funny thing is i can feel a pretty good amount of gain with it yea it is increasing power. i know it does for a fact its your opinion and i am happy with that.
Your butt dyno doesnt make it fact. Get before and after dyno numbers and we might have some respect for you.

respect for me? hahahahaha, buddy if i wanted respect i would kiss your ass like any other follower. i like expressing opinions and hearing other peoples. its very easy to tell with my "butt dyno" (by the way i like that one) when its off the torque isnt as high, on it has a little more kick. oh trust me i would love a dyno sheat and a 1/4 mile time slip but until then my broke ass is going to have to use my butt dyno and live with my gut instinct. by the way i never claimed that it gave me thrown back in the seat performance.
jake b wrote:well the funny thing is i can feel a pretty good amount of gain with it yea it is increasing power. i know it does for a fact its your opinion and i am happy with that. i just like to hear what people got to say about things. lets say i get about 10-15 hp from it, yea nothing to write home to mom about, but for 300 bucks thats a decent upgrade. i mean if you want significant amounts of power you are going to spend thousands. it may just trick my ecu, but i have never ever ever heard of a "trick" mod messing up or frying an ecu. and yes my cat is catching the exhaust, but if it was "dumping" as some say, the cat cant grab everything. it would still run black.
Engines don't run on magic or hopes and dreams. The Venom 400 physically can not do anything for wide open throttle, and therefor can not give you more peak horsepower than stock. It only adjusts part throttle voltage levels. If I gained 10-15hp from something like this, my mother would be the first to know.
Talk to your auto instructor. He will tell you no different than any of us.
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You want opinions but get defensive on the first one. If that's so? great... Feel your gain and move on.
jake b wrote: i like expressing opinions and hearing other peoples.
Really? So that is why you are telling us(who have alot more automotive knowledge than you) that we are wrong and the Venom 400 is gods gift to cars. It is not a PCM, it is just a $.10 resistor in a $5 plastic box with ~$10 worth of wiring.

as for the talk to my instructor...haha, well one of them has said, i bet you dont get anymore than 10hp from it, which i could agree with. i have also talked to my other instructor which races 1/8 mile brackets, so i think he knows more about performance upgrades than any of you and has been a technician for i dont know...25, 30 years? he told me that it has the exact same effect as remapping your ecu, maybe not as good as it... but damn close. he said the only down fall you will have is poor full economy when it is activated and your tranny might shift funny if you let off from full throttle right before you hit your shift point, which has never happend to me. so really what im saying now is, if you have never had one or done any tests with one, zip it. this is what cracks me up on the internet is everyone is a technician and a performance/upgrade pro. reading doesnt make you know anything, hands on is the key.
Thank you for the wonderful intro and confirming that you are nothing more than an ignorant tool.

uuuhhhh you asked us for our opinion. So you zip it. You mentioned if you haven't tested it to zip it... I bet your instructors never messed with that, It's general automotive, not aftermarket. They won't teach that cause most don't know. We know our @!#$ cause we have done trial and error. Take your @!#$ talking somewhere else little boy.
alright alright, yall win...yea sometimes i get carried away and become ignorant. sorry if i seem to get all uptight and stuff. truthfully i can feel a little more bite with it turned on and i hate how everywhere i go all i hear is that it doesnt do anything. i can feel it doing a little something which is all i wanted. thats just like when people say that the b&m shift plus doesnt do anything, that thing makes my tranny shift hard and fast as hell when its on stage 2. which is exactly what it claims to do. harder and faster = quicker acceleration. maybe the venom is BS maybe it isnt but "I" myself can feel a bit more torque. so sorry again if i seem like a jackass but im just starting to get into tuning, iv been workin on cars for a while but tuning actually takes more patience. it also doesnt help to be half way drunk and bored when you are on a car performance forum.
the Venom 400 was dyno'd to show a 1 hp gain. thats right a 1hp gain. thats something you wont even feel

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
i had the venom 400 but it was on a 2.4 and believe me its trash!! waste of money i took it off once at the track and i actually ran faster. the lil red light that comes on when you floor it is cool lol lmao

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
jake b wrote:as for the talk to my instructor...haha, well one of them has said, i bet you dont get anymore than 10hp from it, which i could agree with. i have also talked to my other instructor which races 1/8 mile brackets, so i think he knows more about performance upgrades than any of you and has been a technician for i dont know...25, 30 years? he told me that it has the exact same effect as remapping your ecu, maybe not as good as it... but damn close. he said the only down fall you will have is poor full economy when it is activated and your tranny might shift funny if you let off from full throttle right before you hit your shift point, which has never happend to me. so really what im saying now is, if you have never had one or done any tests with one, zip it. this is what cracks me up on the internet is everyone is a technician and a performance/upgrade pro. reading doesnt make you know anything, hands on is the key.
That's no different than what anyone here has told you, and, like I said, it does not and can not change your 100% TPS values, because there are no bins in your PCM for more than 100% throttle. It is possible to pick up some horsepower over stock for some part throttle loads, but it is impossible to gain anything over stock at wide open throttle.
And I'm not sure who you are talking to who would tell you the b&m shift plus does nothing. It increases line pressure for all loads, which is why it slams into gear from "park" when you have it on "2."
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jake b wrote:thats just like when people say that the b&m shift plus doesnt do anything, that thing makes my tranny shift hard and fast as hell when its on stage 2. which is exactly what it claims to do.
no one here has ever stated that the shiftplus doesn't do anything. unless they installed it improperly.
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Shift plus = Works
Venom 400 = No works....
It changes the A/F ratio richer......have you even hooked it up to a wideband?
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
from what i can tell it is just a resister that makes your (ait) read some thing like -15 then the computer remaps for the cold air giving a little advance in timeing and a little extra fuel. but the 02 sensor will constantly try to get it back to stoch ratio so it basicly gives u a little more timing. wanna save 300 bux go to a shop get the ait sensor resitence chart find a nice cold temp lets say /15 is 1k ohme resistance go to radio shack spend a $1 and get 10 of them then cut ait wires and solder it in series with the ecu wires. oh my back ground ase cetr tech3with 4 year deger in auto,auto high performance, and welding and fab
^^^^ The venom 400 doesn't change your IAT voltage levels like the "Performance chips" they sell on ebay. It adjusts the TPS voltage levels.
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A friend of mine sent me this ad (above post)...but will it make a difference if I run wide open throttle. I run oval dirt tracks. Didnt get an answer, so thought I would bump it up.

.....thanks a bunch.
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