How to get 50 HP? - Performance Forum
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In a thought of my curiosity; if I would happen to buy a wrecked car or, an engine as a spare to have on hand for when the original one goes bad. If I'm going to install another used engine and I'll replace and or inspect some parts. Oil pump, gaskets, valves, ect.
So If I were to take an engine and refresh it and add 50 HP, what would I wanna look into? My thoughts are; cam, valve work, port the heads. Also please list a rough idea of the price I'd be looking into. Thanks anyone.
About forgot;
2000 Cavalier, 2.2 OHV, 5 speed.
Also NOS is out of the question. I want all motor!
An eco swap would be the easiest way to gain 50hp.
CRAIG POTH wrote:Also NOS is out of the question. I want all motor!
You can use Zex or NX instead.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:03 PM

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
Its funny how SO many individuals with the LN2 ask how to make more power. (and i know im a pain in the ass about laughing out loud on the subject, but I'll be positive)
Lets start with the facts:
You have a 4 cylinder
ONLY "ONE" camshaft
etc....basically a VERY small engine. So your at low as you can start with.
Now you are limiting yourself to "all motor" so you will have a hard time getting there with the LN2.
Cams, head work, tuning...etc....yet Best and most achievable option would be an ENGINE SWAP! Otherwise good luck trying to get 50hp all motor on that motor.
GMR has got nothing on this
Tinkles wrote:An eco swap would be the easiest way to gain 50hp.
CRAIG POTH wrote:Also NOS is out of the question. I want all motor!
You can use Zex or NX instead.
i definitely lol'd at that!
To OP:
50 hp is definitely feasible but first off you would have to do your research. There are many posts that Madjack, slowelj (sp) made that will increase power. all you have to do is find them!
The 1.6 roller rocker arm conversion will add some pep. Also the head is the biggest bottle neck on our motors, so look into building a good. Tuning would be your next step and i would not skimp out on this part, because it is the most important. You could also do an exhaust intake, some motor mounts for better response. The possibilities are endless you just need to search.
Tinkles wrote:An eco swap would be the easiest way to gain 50hp.
CRAIG POTH wrote:Also NOS is out of the question. I want all motor!
You can use Zex or NX instead.
i think edlebrock has a kit too for the j bodies

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
DOHC_tuner. I know 50 HP is asking a lot for this little engine. It something like 40%. I thought I'd come back in here and see what I'd do to start.
Luis Marroquin, I know it is "Feasible" and looking for a place to start. As I see, 1.6 roller rocker arm conversion, Tuning, I also imaging header pipe, bigger valves if possible, cam,
About compression, Do I wanna keep it the same or increase it?
Intake, What are my options for aluminum?
I'll keep searching. If anyone has a good web sight or ideas to research please send it this way! Thanks again!
why not just swap it to the eco?
Cost less, a lot less work, and for a 2000 is pretty much plug and play.
You get 35more hp at the wheels and a better aftermarket.
its also easier to work on, and if you wanna be really superficial, the ecotec looks better.
Please tell me more about an ecotec install.
CRAIG POTH wrote:DOHC_tuner. I know 50 HP is asking a lot for this little engine. It something like 40%. I thought I'd come back in here and see what I'd do to start.
Actually, if we are talking about wheel horsepower, 50hp is about 60%. 2.2L LN2 gets roughly 95hp to the wheels on a good day. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
I have been searching for the last 4 hours (that's not much with dial-up though). I read your link, searched and called Summit Racing, Edelbrock, Stage 2 turbo kits.
I went through about 4 pages on the Ecotec Install. It does sound interesting. From what I read of that; It seems that a car with an Ecotec would be better off. I'll keep reading and searching though.
50 hp is possible, compression would have to be raised, are you limiting yourself to 93 octane?
93 octane....
.060 off head
regrind cam
1.6 rockers
very good P+P
larger valves
full exhaust
and very very good tuning
if you want to do it easy and use higher octane fuel go with a 97> head which will bring you to about 11.2-11.5: CR than do the according mods
Pump fuel would be nice. 93 or 94 Octane. But 97 .......Not too many gas stations with 97.
Shifted wrote:CRAIG POTH wrote:DOHC_tuner. I know 50 HP is asking a lot for this little engine. It something like 40%. I thought I'd come back in here and see what I'd do to start.
Actually, if we are talking about wheel horsepower, 50hp is about 60%. 2.2L LN2 gets roughly 95hp
to the wheels on a good day.

GMR has got nothing on this
CRAIG POTH wrote:Pump fuel would be nice. 93 or 94 Octane. But 97 .......Not too many gas stations with 97.
no he didn't mean 97 octane. He meant to use the head off of a 1997 car or higher because there were two different versions of the 2.2 in a j-body. With a newer head you get higher compression because of the design of the piston and the combustion chamber. Basically there is less room in there and more pressure is created. With that though you would be looking into 110 octane or around there. Its expensive and not readily available. Here are some links to help you out:
rocker arms
lifter thread
spring article
2.2 vs2200
build a better ln2
thats all i could find for right now.
Luis Marroquin wrote:CRAIG POTH wrote:Pump fuel would be nice. 93 or 94 Octane. But 97 .......Not too many gas stations with 97.
no he didn't mean 97 octane. He meant to use the head off of a 1997 car or higher because there were two different versions of the 2.2 in a j-body. With a newer head you get higher compression because of the design of the piston and the combustion chamber. Basically there is less room in there and more pressure is created. With that though you would be looking into 110 octane or around there. Its expensive and not readily available.
Actually... just makin' minor correction here... Bob meant the '97-older head, to be used in conjuction with the '98-up piston. In short: swapping-on the older head to raise static-compression. And since the heads on both versions are aluminum, that means you can effectively run a minimum octane of fuel that you'd use in with a static-compression of one full-point lower & a
iron head & still be okay.
Just a thought: How available is E85 around you? You'd hafta re-plumb the system to run it, but it's got an octane-rating of 103-points & actually cools whatever is hot that it touches because of it's great vaporization of latent-heat content. Which itself more more power.
Go beyond the "bolt-on".
e85 and the frakensteing 2200/2.2 combo would work great
Oh, snap! Did I leave the underline on? Sorry...
Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Shifted wrote:CRAIG POTH wrote:DOHC_tuner. I know 50 HP is asking a lot for this little engine. It something like 40%. I thought I'd come back in here and see what I'd do to start.
Actually, if we are talking about wheel horsepower, 50hp is about 60%. 2.2L LN2 gets roughly 95hp to the wheels on a good day.
Hey now, my LN2 dyno'd at 106, so

horsepower is the force that determines at what speed you hit the wall, torque is the force that determines how far you take the wall with you after you hit it.
To the OP, YES the LN2 will make 50 hp. Isn't that stock LN2 wheel HP?? Just swap the Ecotec in like so many of us already have and be happy with it "all motor". Cause, trust will be
BTW- 14s is so much more fun than 17s. Track guys know what I'm saying
oh come on now, ya im doing an eco swap, but i want like 300 more hp, lol. Y follow the crowd and be like everyone else? If he wants a 170 hp ln2, the so be it.
To whom the question was originally asked by, nitrous is your safest, cheapest, and quickest way to get 50hp. and yes the ln2 can handle a 50 shot.
horsepower is the force that determines at what speed you hit the wall, torque is the force that determines how far you take the wall with you after you hit it.
50+ HP here
Yes that is a REAL craigslist ad here in MN
p.s. I didn't read any of the rest of the thread, just thought it was funny
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