BS? - Performance Forum

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Sunday, December 02, 2007 8:04 AM
I watched the vid. I've been around mechanics all my life. Chemically I can see what they're tryin to do..Just watch the video and tell me what you think.

Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 8:06 AM
Sorry link didn't don't know how to use it. null Video
Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 8:08 AM
Screw this I'll link you to the web site...then you can go to the vid from there It fuels good PICC converter
Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 9:01 AM
i think this says it all..........


With the HAFC, you can experience much better gas mileage... Your SUV could be getting better mileage than a hybrid!

that made me laugh lol

Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 9:05 AM
What a total joke.

nothing more to say.

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Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 9:24 AM
Ha ha ha.

From the end of the vid... "It's legal"

not in the slightest.
Its totally illegal to modify or remove any functioning catalytic convertor. This specifically includes removing yours to install theirs. (or any other for that matter (i.e. "High Flow").

Its also illegal to replace a failed one (or a good one for that matter, but we already have a law against that) with an uncertified replacement part or system.

The only way this system could ever be legal is if it was installed on your specific make/model/year/engine/drivetrain configuration/emissions-level car and then independently tested and submitted and approved by the EPA to be legal for sale.
This would have to be done for every single model/package of vehicle out there if a kit was offered for it.

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Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 9:27 AM
This is great... roflol

from a second link on their page for a "generator" system....

Christians Only!!! - Sign up to receive your
Electricity FOR FREE!

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Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 3:42 PM
Did you watch the video of the HAFC? hahahahahahaha

Aluminum heat exchanger that is magnetic (just aluminum BTW). Oh and it wont void your warranty. Ha what a load of BS. First time a dealer say one of those they would tell you to get the hell out of the dealer.

I also like how they claim that their additional computer, (for the HAFC) that is connected to your stock computer, will not tamper with the factory system but it will allow your car to lean out the fuel and relearn based off of their computer. How is causing the stock computer to lean out the fuel based off of an external input source other than factory, not tampering with the factory system???

I wont be in line to get on that is for sure.

Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 7:03 PM
This souds great i will order one tomorrow anyone else want one we can save on shipping.
I personally will run on water specifically toilet water just to get that clean smell.
How much oil should i add to water to get best burn and power.

Re: BS?
Sunday, December 02, 2007 8:02 PM
That goofy cat they're pushing reminds me of a in-line fuel heater that used to be sold for carburated cars years ago that went in-line with the heater hose. It worked, but with a draw-style low pressure fuel system that used a receival resevoir based final delivery system you hafta wonder how much of the fuel perculated to the point of or just vaporized inside the delivery system as the vehicle sat non-operating while the coolant was hot. True, reducing the fuel to a vapor would improve it's mixture with air and increase fuel mileage (Smokey Yunick has already done it with a turbo on a Fiero almost as many years ago, successfully.), but acchieving it at all times under all conditions seems to prove impossible. Or as I like to believe: Not possible yet.

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 12:08 AM
I don't know how much of that I buy.

I like the idea,
and won't fuel burn better hot,

but where I kinda get lost is how it turns it into plasma.

I don't know, but does this remind anyone of a certain movie, with a certain car.

or maybe I was having the same dreams as the guy from the dvd,

I don't know why, but I feel like I might trade in my cav for a DeLorean.

Just call me Marty Mcfly!


Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 4:47 AM
All you have to do is vaporize the fuel by using the heat of the exhaust?
Doesn't the fuel already vaporize on it's on, and wouldn't the heat of the exhaust ignite it? I think so...

We can run a V8 engine on 2 fuel injectors?
Yeah, anyone ever heard of throttle body injection. Didn't GM do that a long time ago? I think so.

There's only a bit of stuff I believe out of this entire video.
Vaproizing the fuel. Yeah, it needs to vaporize. For example, Ethanol will not vaporize under about 60-65*F. This is why the US has the E85 blend (85% Ethanol 15% Gasoline) while Brazil has E100. Why, because in the colder conditions gasoline will still vaporize and therefore ignite (down to -40 IIRC). At that point, with heat in the engine, the ethanol will vaporize fine.

I feel that is also an explaination of why different areas of the country have different blends of fuel. Because the climate in a certain area will affect how the fuel burns.

For the whole thing about plasma. I kinda believe that. I do know of a shop here by me that in fact does have an engine that runs totally on water. I understand it has something to do with plasma but other than that I have no idea how in the hell it runs. All I know is that water goes in, and the engine runs. Weird if you ask me.

But, like I mentioned above. I believe there's probably a safety issue in relation to using the exhaust to heat your gasoline. I'm fairly sure I know what would happen if hot exhaust came flowing out of the manifold and hit a whole bunch of gasoline. I'm also fairly sure that fire trucks may become involved in this.

Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 5:00 AM

Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 6:53 AM
I personally would have to see this installed and work in person to believe it...

As for an engine running on just water........ well as far as I know... everything has a flash point....... but the compression and heat involved would be insane....

I've came up with ideas for perpetual motion engines a few times wich I really think would work but don't have the money to make one......

I came up with an idea for an engine that ran soley on air once...... I found out later that it actually worked pretty well when some one in France tried the same idea..... but the van they put the engine in only had a 30 mile or so range wich made it pretty much useless.

I need to do some more research... but the idea I have for a perpetual generator WILL work assuming that a few numbers will add up like I think they will.....

Who wan'ts to give me a few grand to try this out

(btw.... this isn't a joke post..... I'm actually seriouse)

Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 3:42 PM
SHOoff wrote:...For the whole thing about plasma. I kinda believe that. I do know of a shop here by me that in fact does have an engine that runs totally on water. I understand it has something to do with plasma but other than that I have no idea how in the hell it runs. All I know is that water goes in, and the engine runs. Weird if you ask me...

Yeah that's just weird. I'm not a chemist, so I don't get it either. LOL.

One thought, though; even if they can make engines that run 100% on water, you'd still have to have some alcohol content in it for most climates as an anti-freeze agent.
Just think how bad it would suck to go out to your car and have your fuel frozen.

Re: BS?
Monday, December 03, 2007 8:16 PM
All this plasma talk has reminded me of a couple of things I've seen over the years...

A few years back in the editorial section of Mopar Collectors Guide a small string of articles relating to a "plasma-field" exhaust cat were printed. The magazine's editor went on to write of how he had seen a true working demonstration of a zero-restriction catalytic converter someone had developed, that developed an internal plasma field when excited by 12v that substantially cleaned an IC carb'd engine's exhaust. Mind you the initial working prototype looked like just a muffler with a sparkplug in it's side, but the editor (A inteligent man, mind you. Don't give me any "Mopar lovin' dumbass" stuff, 'cause you had to see the other articles he wrote. Like I said, inteligent.) swore by the actuality of the unit's function. Later articles on the device mentioned how sadly the EPA was balking CARB E.O. for it, saying it needed more testing first (For which testing supposedly needed to be devised for), then later saying it was approved for testing and possible application on CNG-fueled forklifts, with the testing needing to be done first. Editorials on this can be found in back-issues of MCG under the section heading "Ecco-Madness!".

Years before this when I was in VocEd training for a possible career in auto repair, I read an article in an automotive engineering magazine about how research was being done into the area of plasma rail-plugs for gasoline engine ignition. A few years after the MCG articles were printed, while stumbling around on the net for any LN2 mods or tech I could find, I came across a PDF about a government test done in the mid- to late-'90s of plasma rail-plugs that were installed on a LN2 that was run on CNG on a stationary generator to see what kind of emissions test results it would produce. The test results were fully divulged & I downloaded them (I think it was okay...) but please don't ask me to post them as it was alot of pages and my computer skills haven't even developed to the point where I can even e-mail a picture yet.

Do I believe this goofy fuel/exhaust thing we're mainly talking about here? No. Would I if I saw a in-person demo of it that I could fully examine & found to be true? Only then, only then.

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: BS?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 9:45 AM
I'm goin to agree with the above post. Yeah, theoreticaly it sounds ok..but there have been some valid points brought up...I got that post off of Facebook under an E85 group. Some farmer said that E-85 is not the future of America, which may or may not be true ( I just like the thought of 100 octane pump gas), but I know that this thing is NOT the future. lol. I personally like the bit about the Fire truck. As for the freezing thing...on the vid they say that you should supplement the water tank with wood alcohol.
Re: BS?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 2:45 PM
I swear, it seems at times with all the build-ups and parts and tech I see in the performance automotive hobbist mags like E85 was intentionally made just for hot-rodders. True, it may not be a total future for the motoring public, but at least it has a future (Both fuel and cars). BTW, have you read how the total corn crop needed to produce what little E85 there is made regularly now is nowhere near as big as the agro's are making it out to be?

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
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