Exhause quieter on new car? - Performance Forum

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Exhause quieter on new car?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:53 PM
I put the exhaust that was on my '02 Sunfire onto my new '02 Cav. They both have the same mileage, hell theyre the same COLOR (doesnt matter here i know). The cav is a 5spd and the sunfire is an auto.

My question is, the exhaust sounds quieter on my cavalier than it did on my sunfire, and its the SAME parts, motor, etc. The only things I havent swapped over from my 'fire are the 1.6 rockers, 56mm tb, and motor mounts, and thats getting done soon. Is it my imagination that its not as loud or is it actually plausible that its not? ( I like it better now, it sounds like I intended for it to, im just curious)

thanks for any input. im SO glad I decided to do this today, I missed the sound, and the gain you get on the 2200 from the full exhaust.

Re: Exhause quieter on new car?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 11:40 PM
Probably the motor mounts.

Re: Exhause quieter on new car?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 4:51 AM

Whoa, I worked in an exhaust shop and this is a little odd. Best I can figure is the way your Cav's engine breathes is different than your S-fire's. But don't worry, all that effects breathing ( The rockers & TB ) will change that and your cav should be be playing your S-fire's old song.

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: Exhause quieter on new car?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 6:39 AM
I assume so, Im doing motor mounts, roller rockers and tb, as soon as i get my ported head (doing install next mon/tues)... So itll be different anyhow, Oh well. itll be different for teh better
Re: Exhause quieter on new car?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:57 AM
Maybe you had a leak somewhere before that was causing it to be a little louder. Its prolly just sealed better now.

Re: Exhause quieter on new car?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 11:30 AM
^possibly, the leak is still in the same place (one that I know of) at the collector pipe, Im going to get it 100% sealed after I put on my motor mounts, and ported head, next couple of weeks.

Just curious is all... thanks for the input guys!
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