I finally did my 086 head swap, got everything back together and started the car. When its idling it has a pretty noticeable tap to it. It stops just above idle and momentarily stopped after the motor ran at normal temp for a few minutes before I shut it off. I thought the problem was fixed until I started it today and it started tapping again but this time it didnt go away(only ran it up to temp then shut it off). The more I read the more I think that maybe my timing tensioner is bad or not properly reset . Im going to check the timing tensioner some time this week . Does it sound like that is the problem? I thought it reset and the chain had some tension but I dont know what else it could be.
Sounds exactly like the tensioner,I had the same problem after the dealer replaced the water pump and timing chain but not the tensioner.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Ok thanks thats what I thought but I figured Id play it safe and ask what others thought before I tore it apart again.
So it was the timing tensioner. Got it running on an open header. Hooked up hp tuners and the KR only went to 4 once while i was driving it around. Seems to be a bit slow but its probably because of the open header, i remember my 2.2 was rediculously slow on an open manifold. so next Im off to the exhaust shop.
good to hear its running.
"Youth in Asia"...I don't see anything wrong with that.