2200 header - Performance Forum

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2200 header
Sunday, July 08, 2007 11:01 PM
Hey, I was looking for a header for my 2200. I know of Pacesetter and DC Sport but I was wondering whats the comparison on both of them? like any problems? which one would be better? Also would getting one of ebay be worth it? I kina don't trust ebay but iI can find a good header for cheap or good price I'll jump on it.

no more cavy...now 240 =]

I see a cool-air intake
It's got a NOS-fogger system and a T-4 turbo
I see an A.I.C. controller
It has direct port nitrous injection
Yeah, a stand-alone fuel management system
...Not a bad way to spend $10,000

Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 12:39 AM
I should warn you that, although I have yet to try one product from either one of them or OBX, I've been hearing & seeing bad words of product quality about all of them. Still, others here do have experience with 'em, so let's hear from them. Guys?

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 1:20 AM
Ive got the pacesetter header. Performance wise Im sure theyre all about the same, but i could be wrong. Mines a 4-1 header.

Two problems I have with it. RUST... Get the coated header, its worth the money, I painted mine with high temp paint and have no problems now, but I did before.

The other problem is that The collector pipe is a ball joint where it connects to the downpipe, and it never seemed to seal 100%. Im going to be putting the system on my cavalier, so Im sure I can fix it so it works and is sealed, but Ive seen others with this problem too..

On one of the runners there is a tag spot welded to the pipe, one of the welds blew out one time, making me think I blew something up. a quick hit with a MIG and its been truoble free since.

For the cheap header, Id say you can get it, burn off the paint and re-paint it and you should be ok, so long as you make sure that you get the pipe sealed and secured really well so it doesnt leak. but to be more hassle free id get the coated one
Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 8:48 AM
Matt Linke wrote:Ive got the pacesetter header. Performance wise Im sure theyre all about the same, but i could be wrong. Mines a 4-1 header.

Two problems I have with it. RUST... Get the coated header, its worth the money, I painted mine with high temp paint and have no problems now, but I did before.

The other problem is that The collector pipe is a ball joint where it connects to the downpipe, and it never seemed to seal 100%. Im going to be putting the system on my cavalier, so Im sure I can fix it so it works and is sealed, but Ive seen others with this problem too..

On one of the runners there is a tag spot welded to the pipe, one of the welds blew out one time, making me think I blew something up. a quick hit with a MIG and its been truoble free since.

For the cheap header, Id say you can get it, burn off the paint and re-paint it and you should be ok, so long as you make sure that you get the pipe sealed and secured really well so it doesnt leak. but to be more hassle free id get the coated one

i have the same header too. definitly spend the extra money, my header now looks like the stock one did. i never had any problems with the balljoint thing or any leaks. I actually really like the header a lot. it seems to have made a bigger difference then any of the other little mods.

Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 8:50 AM
^agreed, biggest mod for power that I did as well. but I dont have my ported head yet
Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 10:03 AM
The OBX header is probably the worst one you can get. The Pacesetter, RKSport, and DCSport header would all be nice, Pacesetter being the cheapest of the 3. And X2 on coating. And if you are thinking of getting the painted one and wrapping it with header wrap, DON'T, header wrap is meant for the track, it will destroy a street header in short order.

Re: 2200 header
Monday, July 09, 2007 10:24 AM
aight, thnx for the info. yea I've searched thru the forum and I've seen alot of post about OBX bein crappy. I've looked at the Pacesetter header and I'm pretty sure Ima get it. Now my question is fitment wise is there anything that needs to be cut or anything? Also does anyone know where I can get a bolt-on hi-flow cat....I dont wanna sound cheap but I juss dont wanna get one that needs to be welded lol.

no more cavy...now 240 =]

I see a cool-air intake
It's got a NOS-fogger system and a T-4 turbo
I see an A.I.C. controller
It has direct port nitrous injection
Yeah, a stand-alone fuel management system
...Not a bad way to spend $10,000
Re: 2200 header
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 4:06 AM
Okay I see alot of horror & support stories here, now how 'bout each of you tellin' us which model headers ( 4-1 or 4-2-1AKA: Tri-Y ) you when with and why? Were you lookin' for low-mid range power, or high RPM stuff? And what performance results did you get with your choice? Please, speak up!

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
Re: 2200 header
Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:55 PM
i have an ebay header and i havent had any problems with it. but its also a pacesetter. my buddy bought a pace setter and i bought the ebay header and there exactly alike besides the fact that the stainless coating isnt perfect on mine.i also got rid of my cat and am running straight factory exhaust into a n1 style muffler from forza(obx). its really a great combo great sound and def gained a few ponies.
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