I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped. - Performance Forum

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I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 5:19 AM
i actually KNOW I'm getting Jipped.

I didnt buy ANYTHING though, lol

I Finally went to "Northern Motorsport" on Parkdale Ave (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)

I asked about upgrades, you know...supercharger, turbo... @!#$ like that, as I was curious.

He told me I would have better luck lowering my Car and putting some RIims on it, then I would have for a Turbo/SC.


Forged Rods and Pistons
New Camshaft/Rockers (whatever's in there)
New Fuel injectors
New Intake
New Upper/Lower mounts
(couple other minor things)

I was quoted


Ill try to recall the conversation as bect I Can...

N/M: Because you have to take out the engine...and... Wait, is it the Ecotec?
AJ: Yes.
N/M: Ooooh, then that's gonna be more, becasue they dont make parts for that, onlt the 2.4 Non Ectoec

N/M: But Turbocharger is slightly easioer, because you're only dealing with exhaust and cam valves (Yes, Cam valves, he said that) and Intake, so... about 5800 Bucks.
AJ: Oh? Thats all?... What About HID or PRojector Headlights?
N/M: Oh, around...$400
AJ: Thats It?...Not as bad as I Thou..
N/M: But thats just for bulbs and relays, If you want to do it properly, its about $2000
AJ: Oh... And rear Lights?
N/M: $160, but you have to buy a set of 4, and use the outside 2, because "you cant take your bezel off..."
AJ: Ok, Well uh... The Car's in Dad's name so I gotta talk to him, but thanks.

So, IS there any other place to buy crap like that, Please dont tell me Ebay, I DONT ahve a credit card and i DONT have paypal.

but yeah, I thought It might be good for a laugh...

ANd Im not sure if this is the peoiper forum, its ABOUT performance...mostly.

Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 6:32 AM
Hahahaha, always research before talking to ANY salesman. $2000 for HIDs/Projectors got me LOLing.

2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 9:00 AM
thats funny....you dont NEED a credit card.. You can get an American express debit/credit card. What it does is you get the card put the money on the card and thats it....you can use it anywhere! Its like giving yourself a gift card you can use anywhere. BTW dont ever go back to that shop!
Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:05 AM
Yeah, definetly do some research because it looks like this guy is just trying to take advantage of you and overcharge big time. Either that or he's dumbass and has no idea himself, what he's talking about.


Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 11:12 AM
wow..... I need to stop being such a nice guy and start charging more!!!

EcoTec = large aftermarket support

SPD RCR Z - '02 Z24 420whp
SLO GOAT - '04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI - '78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 11:46 AM
cam valves that proves he is trying to get all the money he can or he is just plain stupid

but it is funny
Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:13 PM
Thats actually way more common than you would think. If you don't let a mechanic or car salesman know that your a car guy, and probably know more about the car in question than he does, it's amazing what comes out of there mouth sometimes. I always make the point to say "I'd rather do it myself, but I don't have a place to work on the car", then we start talking a little and they realize they can't BS me or screw me over, because I know better.

I used to deliver cars to shops and dealerships, and almost every time I heard someone talking to a customer, it was always random lies or something they where thinking of off the top of there head. They obviousley didn't know anything about the car or parts they where selling.

As far as Tubo kits for Eco's

Hahn Racecraft (www.hahnracecraft.com) 630-553-6830 or
Gude Performance (www.gude.com) 951-245-7577

I got the info out of a magazine I have laying around, but I'm sure there's others out there.

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 12:57 PM
oh i would never buy anything from there, but they DO have nice rims that arent too expensive...

Thats about it...

I just let him spill his beans...i still love the Camvalves though... I had to try SO hard not to laugh

but yeah, thanks for the info, ill phone those places and look into that cedit debit card thing!

Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 9:20 PM
AJ wrote: ill phone those places and look into that cedit debit card thing!

On a side note:

Being that you're in Canada, Much is always pushing their credit card lately. It's the same thing, prepaid, so yeah, you just "deposit" all your cash on there and then use it like a credit card (Page For The Card Thingy Is Here).

And if I'm ever in the Hamilton area I'll remember to stay clear of Northern Motorsports (or, to stop by for a Q&A session).

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Sunday, July 08, 2007 12:05 AM
i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Sunday, July 08, 2007 12:46 AM
Should have asked him how much turbo fluid cost. "50 bucks a quart, and the turbo for those takes 2 quarts". lol

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Monday, July 09, 2007 2:44 PM
Thrice . wrote:he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.

That Made Me Laugh SO hard, I needed that...

yeah, and their website has 0 information on it... If it could Go into the Negatives, then It would.


And Done forget to check out the Cavalier Section on the first page, If you dont mind wasting a portion of your life...

Remember: "Click Here to see more" doesnt actually mean Information, as most websites stupidly put... </end sarcasm>

Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.

Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Monday, July 09, 2007 3:38 PM
Wow.... I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that one...

Its hilarious walking into shops and asking them questions that I know the answers to already... shoulda heard the argument I had one time with a guy in an exhaust shop with him telling me that I couldn't put a 2.5" exhaust on my car.... when I know dang well that theres peeps on here with up to 3" already with little to no issues with it.... guy seriously thought he knew more about my car than I did.... especially after he looked at me and asked me to clarify that it had an ecotec in it... I wanted to smack the guy somethin fierce.

So yea.... if you would actually agree to anything that guy is saying... you might aswell walk in with your pants around your ankles and a good solid bit in your mouth....

Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
Re: I 'Think' Im Getting Jipped.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 4:42 AM
Could be worse... you could an S-truck with a J-car engine ( Like me! ) Try finding anything outside pre-fab intake tracts w/o a ram-air scoop, 4-1 headers when you want 4-2-1 ( AKA: Tri-Y ), electric fan set-ups that are undersized in area to be effective w/ AC, and cat-back systems that work from more than one manufacturer or any decent pre-fab plug wires 'cause of where your coils are located compared to the same engine in a more "popular" platform. Sorry, it's nothing against you guys, I just had to get that out. Whew! I feel better now.

Go beyond the "bolt-on".
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