cav vs fire - Performance Forum

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cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 12:16 AM
pry not the greatest place to put this topic...but here it goes. i have a 98 2.4 with a pacesetter header, 2.25" stainless steel exhaust piping, magnaflow hi-flo cat, and a can. now this kid where i live (2.2 5 speed sunfire, its like a 95 or something), challenges me to a race. he has no performance mods besides a fart can. what are my odds here? i am about 99.9% positive i will beat him, but for my uncertaintly, i might go buy a cold air intake. i mean i plan on getting one but if it will be close i will spend the money now. but i want to know how it will go before i go spend that kind of money....thanks

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 1:42 AM
You should be able to out run him right now like you car sits, if not there is something wrong somewhere. But I do suspect you all are going to race on a track.

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 4:24 AM
I see a lock coming.

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 5:48 AM
Ronnie (the cavalier guy) wrote:But I do suspect you all are going to race on a track.

A track

There's 4 people I can't stand:

1. The anti-street racing politician enforcing the laws and pushing for increased penalties.
2. The people who support the enforcement of said laws and increased penalties.
3. The drivers that make stupid decisions in their driving, or location. (It is never acceptable to use a 2 lane road!)
4. The majority of people in the first two groups that spend their lives, and money lobbying for more laws to punish street racing without giving them what they need: A Track!

I detest local governments that enforce heavily without a local alternative available.

Not that Ronnie fits in any of those categories, just thought I would get that out cause it's been bugging me.

If you have a track available, then go there. Otherwise, I'm not suppose to publically endorse street racing cause it would end up harming 'the man' and I would have the black suits knocking on my door getting ready to send me to Guantanamo Bay.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Monday, June 04, 2007 5:54 AM


Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 6:12 AM
I agree ^^ .. people love heavily enforcing laws and never giving second thought to alternatives..i live in the capital city of texas and there isnt a track to be found this saddens me

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 6:27 AM
Holy crap! How can there not be a track in Austin!

Texas is one of those states that makes me think of having like 2 tracks per city, and a few cattle rustler reenactments.



Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 6:38 AM
nothing like a 1/4 mile with cows in the background.

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 6:48 AM
i completely agree on what matt has said.

i think that the stiffer penalties for street racing are not a bad idea, but give those that want to race legally a venue to do it in without having to drive 3-4 hours to do so.

i live in ontario, and they have heavily stepped up the street racing laws here. yet the closest 1/4 miles are around 3 hours away, depending on traffic and speed of travel. there is 1 or 2 street tracks, but they are around 2.5-4 hours away (one being at the same place as one of the 1/4 mile tracks).

but back to the main focus of this post.

car wise, i think your 2.4 will win. alot of what happens though is driver decided. if he can shift a half to a full second faster than you or you miss a gear, you might not win.

1997 RedR - ZedR
Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 8:22 AM
a modded 2.4 -vs- a stock 2.2?? There's no question in my mind.. I've got a friend who has a 2.2 5 speed cavy.. i took my z24 auto with CAI only.. before exhaust, high flow cat, or anything else.. just CAI.. and pulled him by 3-4 lengths. then he got in my car, i took his and he pulled me(in his car) by atleast 2-3 lengths. If that'll help you any.. good luck.. be safe!

When I step on the gas, I want people to think the world is coming to an end! - Homer J. Simpson
Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 8:24 AM
^ the second run i was in his car.. and he was in mine.. and he (my car) passed me with 2-3 lenghts.. didn't know if i had worded it right or not.

When I step on the gas, I want people to think the world is coming to an end! - Homer J. Simpson
Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 9:58 AM
oh no defianately going to a track. its only bout 45 mins from here and the laws around here are quite strict....i was pretty darn certain i would beat him but his "assuringness he was going to win" was makin me think....thanks guys

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 10:50 AM
This one will be about as lopsided as Penn and Teller on a seesaw. Destroy that poseur.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 12:51 PM
Penn and Teller on a seesaw!!




Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 1:40 PM
hold up why the attack on me. I don't down people who street race it has been happening for year, some of my favorite stories my dad has told me from his childhood was about street racing. Hell, I even used to street race but i do not anymore, Why I think it is dangerous. But if someone want to street race there is nothing or no one that is going to stop them. But everyone should encourage the safe use of a track. Because the thing you must understand and take into concideration is you are not only putting your life in jepordy but any other inocent person who might be travling that road.

Just my .02 now you have a reason to attack me

Re: cav vs fire
Monday, June 04, 2007 1:56 PM
WhitePhatt wrote:Not that Ronnie fits in any of those categories, just thought I would get that out cause it's been bugging me.

meh, don't read too much into personal gripes.

It's not that I despise using a track, it's that I detest when rules and regulations are brought down like a hammer on racers that have obviously no other place to race.



Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:35 AM
well talked to the kid last night and he is still interested in racing. i told him i was curioius as to what he thinks will make him win....his reply "manual" i just chuckled and said ok. went out tonight did a few 0-60's my best was like 8.86 seconds. so i am visioning me roasting this chump

Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:51 AM
funny part about the anti-racing group is that they dont realize that when they jump thier SUV or mini-van into a merge lane and punch it around traffic, thats considered racing, at least here in FL. in FL its "any contest of speed, including those over time and distance"

and your modded 2.4 should crush a stock 2.2.

Looking for something new? How about an off topic forum where you can truly express your opinions without interference of mods or admins?


Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:05 AM
515Cavy wrote:well talked to the kid last night and he is still interested in racing. i told him i was curioius as to what he thinks will make him win....his reply "manual" i just chuckled and said ok. went out tonight did a few 0-60's my best was like 8.86 seconds. so i am visioning me roasting this chump

Ack! I'm confused by that number. Unless the cav 2.4s were slower than the sun 2.4s it shouldve been more like a low 7. But yea...even a stock 2.4 would beat him, the ABSOLUTE MOST hes getting out of his little fart can is 5hp. If you don't have one, you should really look into a CAI.


Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:18 AM
I had a hard time beating a 2.4 with only a fart cannon with all my mods... He was a 5spd, and I have an auto.

This was on an abandoned runway in the middle of nowhere wisconsin.... At least we think its a runway.

Anywho, I beat him by about 1.5 lenghts, but I didnt start pulling on him untill 2nd, and slowly crept on him
Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:41 PM
well i was using my cell phone as a stopwatch lol. it had a stopwatch feature on it so i gave it a shot but it was hard to shift, drive, and push the start/stop button also.

Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:08 PM
also, how are you driving? are you leaving it in drive or are you going through the gears, 1,2,3, D ? i was just starting off in first and going through the gears that way it seemed quicker and faster than just leaving it in D

Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:13 PM
I found that if you go through the gears, It will give you a few more RPM before you shift.

Usually I wind out first and then throw it in D.... I have a shift+ and set it to 2, which helps a bit.

Since my TC is going out on me I drive it nice now, untill I get the yank 3k installed
Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 3:19 PM
515Cavy wrote:also, how are you driving? are you leaving it in drive or are you going through the gears, 1,2,3, D ? i was just starting off in first and going through the gears that way it seemed quicker and faster than just leaving it in D

1) shifting an auto is gay. the computer will shift faster than you anyway

2) this is not a bench racing forum. go race him at this track and come and tell us what happened

Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, June 06, 2007 3:21 PM

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Re: cav vs fire
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:53 PM
the 2.4 engines make 150 HP stock, the 2.2 (non-2200, those make 115 stock) makes 120 HP stock. Weight differences are probably negligible. 2.4 wins.

Re: cav vs fire
Thursday, June 07, 2007 5:49 AM
I owned both a 2200 Sunfire (4-door 3-speed), and a Sunfire GT. I still have the GT.

My brother drove the 2200 and I was really surprised.. My GT edged it out but at the end, it was no more then half a car. They both had intakes as best as I can remember.



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