keep it cheap and i'll buy it
ill be watchign this thread...what do you need the exhaust mani for? what would you be making?
You'd be better off machining an adapter out of 1" aluminium or even whatever that pertroleum safe plastic is called. The port spacing is close but it's not dead on and an adapter would solve this.
Yes the ecotec flange on the HO manifold. It was over a year ago that I played with this. If I remember right the 2/3 runners were almost spot on but the 1/4 runners with about an 1/8 of an inch too wide.
The other thing to think about is the transition. i don't believe the ports on the manifold and the ecotec head are the exact same shape. You you a nice blended transition to reduce turbulance .... although if there is enough meat on the flange you can fix this with a die grinder and a bit of time.
I know it's been done before, I forget where I saw the pictures but if you're going to do it, you might as well do it the best you can. The ecotec manifold is well designed for it's purpose so switching to the HO manifold may give you more breathing up top but I do think it will hurt the bottom end.
The real question is will anyone actually do an accurate dyno of it to see if there is a net gain result.
ho manifold for the ecos where are they at to buy????
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let us know cost, i'd be interested in the exhaust flange also depending on price and material.