Was wondering if anyone has rigged up an aftermarket speedo on their isuzu tranny.
If so, what way did you go about getting it to work?
My Speedo goes through my PCM, and my PCM currently has no way of knowing my engine is running. (because of the standalone)
In my particular case, the only gauge that still works is my fuel level.
So, I've come to the conclusion that I am needing/wanting to make a custom gauge cluster with autometer gauges. The other 3 gauges I have already figured out, but speedo is still a mystery to me.
Can anyone help me out, or at least point me in the right direction?
As far as I know the 2 wires on the VSS are VSS hi and VSS lo. I'm thinking signal and ground wires?
I hope someone can help me out, I hate not having a speedo.
yeah, i'm wondering this too!
and what is needed for either 95-99 & 00-05 clusters
Kardain wrote:Tonite on Fox:
When X's attack

well I'm glad I'm not alone, I was just hoping more people would have experienced this!
When I tapped my Profec-B into the car, it gave me the option of a built-in speedo that goes to 399 km/h. Once you're at 40 km/h you simply set the unit and it knows what speed you're doing.
THe only wire it's hooked up to to get that reading is the RPM Signal at the fuse box.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Well it cant be too accurate, unless you stay in one gear!!! You would more than likely have to program in the gear ratio's if it even has that option?? Dont know.
the autometer is programmable and it may just be able to read our VSS
I bet it's timed off the VSS line... which is 4000 pulses per mile.... and is on the output side of the trans.... so.... it would be dead accurate, assuming you set it AT 40mph and not 36 or 42.
I'm unsure about the 3g gauge cluster but I pulled a pin-out on my sunbird's guage cluster and it looks like there is no modification between the computer and actual read-out for most of the gauges, there is even a different sensor to read off coolant temp to the computer and the gauge cluster. I'm not using my stock gauge cluster, but potentially, it can be done.
BTW, I am on fully independant spark/fuel megasquirt.
"Hall Effect Speedometer Sender
Product #
For use with all Auto Meter electronic speedometers.
7/8" - 18THD, Hall Effect sender, 16 pulse per rev. Includes pass-thru drive for cruise control."
so, somehow you can program the speedometer through this hall effect sender?
You may be right about the signal being unchanged, but how does the gauge get a power signal to move?
btw im also fully independant on my Holley Commander 950PRO
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, July 17, 2006 2:33 PM
John Lenko wrote:I bet it's timed off the VSS line... which is 4000 pulses per mile.... and is on the output side of the trans.... so.... it would be dead accurate, assuming you set it AT 40mph and not 36 or 42.
are the isuzu and getrags the same? Or are you referring to solely the isuzu? I can't remember what you're running.
All late-model GM cars are 4000 PPM.
I can't be the only one who's tackling this. ANYONE?!
didn't doubledz(sp?) do an aftermarket speedo. I could be mistaken, but I thought he switched to all digital gauges.
I have a tech 3 and i am trying to get a speedo working as well. I assume you can just route the vss signal to an autometer programable guage and have it work? Before i got the stand alone i wired a switch into the cabin to cut the vss signal to the ecu to control the speed governor. I assumei can route these same wires to the guage. anyone tried it or will i be the first?
Kris Bloom
Street Challenge
Http://www.streetsourcemag.com/projectz/ <--- The Cav
exactly all you have to do is run the 2 wires to the aftermarket speedo. the other wire goes to ground on the vss
Just want to bring this back from the dead
has anyone got any solid answer on how to get a reading from my VSS even though my PCM is no longer functioning properly? (ie: speedo not working)
is there anyway to make a pickup?
help is GREATLY appreciated
Can't you leave the factory ecu powered to run the BCM and let that run your gauges?
the vss still goes back to the PCM, but the PCM stopped working in some aspects when I converted my DIS system.
the PCM no longer knows when the car is running, and therefore wont put out any speed signal.
the vss does not go to the standalone.
here is how i hooked up my speedo... i used autometer's instructions for the two wire set up...i did not use any other parts to make it work. i just grounded one side of the factory sender to make this work
exactly all you have to do is run the 2 wires to the aftermarket speedo. the other wire goes to ground on the vss
awesome, thanks.