Today I finally got that motor out. Bit of a pain is the butt, but it came out. I have 20 pictures of the removal and the clutch and some specs. and how I pulled it out. I will post the pictures later tonight. And to the J-body forum, thanks for the info. and help. I really appreciate it. Thanks again.

Time to get it going again.....
Looks good man. I did the same not too long ago. Whats the reason for pulling it?

Blew it up
The motor was getting tired, but most of all to build it up. I have been saving for a little bit now and that block there will not be used for the build. I got a 2.3L block Protomec(Todd Miller) that is currently at the machine shop getting machined and what-not. Actually what brings me to a question kind of off topic. I have been looking for some valve train components for my head and have had some problems finding stuff other than Mantapart. Does anybody know of any other places that have valve guides and valves for a good price?? Hope you guys enjoyed the pics.

Time to get it going again.....