Well im ordering forged pistons and rod next month and i am planning on turboing later down the road. So what i need to know is how much and where can i get a forged crank? Or how much can a stock crank hold for HP? I dont think im gonna go crazy on hp with the turbo but i just wanna be safe. Would just a balanced and knifed crank still hold up to some?
2.340 - 60,
16.591 @ 80.52 - 1/4
the only cranks ive seen were like close to 800 bones, so yeah, I decided to just stick with the stock one too, just make sure you get it all balanced and im sure you'll be ok. But yeah i am also curious as to the horspower rating of the crank, Ive heard the rods and pistons were only like 190 ish, and it seems to be proven true as I just cracked a piston running a little over 200 hp. But shifted says it will be ok, and I'll take his word for it.
I read 400 for the stock crank.... and the rods near the 182 mark!!
after market cranks are better for thier wieght really, but a balancing and knife edging might be nice
The only aftermarket, as in solid aftermarket 4340 crankshaft is made by Eagle. And it's for the ecotec only. If you decide that you need crankshaft service, which I might just go ahead and have it balanced, JBP does do crankshaft work. However, for balancing you can contact a local machine shop that does crank work.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
Not much to listen to. Stock crank will handle whatever that built motor can throw at it.

Blew it up