2.4l LD9..want bigger throttle body..56mm??? Quad4 - Performance Forum

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2.4l LD9..want bigger throttle body..56mm??? Quad4
Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:21 PM
Sorry i searched promise....ive read Quad 4's had bigger throttle body's so i would like to get one, but i got a question or two.
Is it a direct bolt on to the the 2.4ld9 (ive heard yes, confiming) ...
Can i get a New one from GM? if so Part # ect......
Is it true they are 56m and if so does it help any CAI intake etc or is it not worth the $$$
Heard rumor of idle problems with these installed?

sorry if this has been ans then please direct me to the post....THank you!

Re: 2.4l LD9..want bigger throttle body..56mm??? Q
Sunday, January 08, 2006 12:14 AM

Is it a direct bolt on to the the 2.4ld9 (ive heard yes, confiming) ...

To answer that question...

ny-jbodies.org wrote:The 2.3L Quad's use a 56mm throttle body held to the intake by two bolts; the 2.4L uses a 52mm version that is held by four bolts. There's enough meat on the base of the 56mm throttle body to drill two new holes.


Is it true they are 56m



if so does it help any CAI intake etc or is it not worth the $$$

Possibly. Having a bigger throttle body will change your powerband and probably give you better high end power but take away some torque in the process. If there is a difference, it shouldn't be that much.


Can i get a New one from GM? if so Part # ect......

Highly doubt you can get it NEW from GM being that it is a discontinued motor and it's about 10+ years old. Gotta find it on Ebay, Junk Yard, the classifieds or www.car-parts.com.


Heard rumor of idle problems with these installed?

As far as idle problems...read this thread for more info on that:


Good Luck.

www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837

Re: 2.4l LD9..want bigger throttle body..56mm??? Q
Sunday, January 08, 2006 12:40 AM
Well, I have the 2.3L 56ml throttle body on my cav but i have it installed on the HO manifold. as far as idle problems go, you may have idle problems which can be due in part by the current 2.3 TB sensors not working. I have experienced weird idle problems which i fixed by replacing the 2.3 sensors (iac,tps) and it idled like stock and no problems ever since.

You may actually have a chance of getting the Throttle body new from GM. My uncle got a new exhaust manifold from GM (he has a corsica with the 2.8L multiport motor i think.) The guy said it was an NOS part? New old stock i think he said it was. Hope this helps

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