Well I'm torn between two wideband set-ups.
Innovative LM-1 kit and XD-1 Gauge.....about $580
PLX R-500...about $550
I know some of you guys have the LM-1 so I was looking for reviews and how good your experience has been with it.......same thing for the PLX R-500
Link to PLX R-500 kit:
Thanks guys
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the innovate you can get as just a stand alone gauge , just so you know
ive got both the hand held , and stand alone from innovate (car customs is where i got it)
and ive been extremly happy with them
Those are the best widebands on the market for the money. The Bosch 5-wire sensors they use don't really have a long life so to speak, and I wouldn't worry about buying replacement sensors from Innovative. You can get them from any Volvo dealership for like $30
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
97cavie24ls- Thanks yea I already knew they had the standalone gauge......
The plx r-500 is supposed to be able to measure knock and other stuff.....
Heres the features of it
Man I just dont know which one to go with...ahhhh decisions, decisions...
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well i have the PLX M-300 which works great but is just a basic WB with readout only, but i like it and have heard lots of good things about the R-500, which if i wanted all the features would be the way i would go.
Good luck
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ive got the aero force intimadator gauge and it measures knock as well as alot of other items as the pcm sees them , its a sweet gauge
^ yea thats what the r-500 is all about....I think thats the one I am going to go with
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Well I bought the R-500 so we will see how it is when it gets here! I'm kinda excited to install this thing....
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i have the m250 and im very happy with it
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