hw do i instal the nology coil amps on my 99 with a 2200? the directions dont say anyhting abotu the 2200, only the 2.4 and the 95-97.
ide apreciate anythnig
Brady Fire Co. - Station 150
Long Live The Sunflower! (yea its not so "cool")
msd is better
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
well i wasn't wondering who is better, just how to install what i have, they were given to me anyways. so i did some researching and finally figured this out. all i had to do was put the supplied "y" style ends on the amp wires, and slide them up on the ign. module were the coils mount. there 2 pins for each coil, a + and -. simple idea, so i took the trusty test light and found that the pos were the pins towards the outer sides, and the neg are the 2 towards the inside. these gave me much better, and more consistent acceleration. so far all day i cannot complain. thanx to anyone who might have went looking into this for me
Brady Fire Co. - Station 150
Long Live The Sunflower! (yea its not so "cool")