I just got my built motor back from the shop(good engine shop) installed it and find it wont fire.Checked everything and spark,timing,fuel all seem to be dead on.I looked at the ends of the cams and noticed both have the hex in them that drive the steering pump.Is it possible that they somehow got mixed up during assembly and used 2 intake cams?Or could an intake cam be reground into a exhaust cam therefore being the reason for the hex end?Help needed as im at witts end.Thanks
Dude, call the shop, tell them hey i got spark, i got fuel but this thing wont fire, why do my 2 cams have hex drives? you paid for it check it out fully, if the shop gets angry about it drag out the lawyer word, dont jump on them just nicely ask these things, if they get snotty about it then start turning it back on them, if you paid by credit card you can refuse the charges on the grounds that the product was faulty or bad service, but you have to prove it so have paperwork and have another shop check out the engine. other than that make sure your plugs are in the right order, your injectors are in the right order, reverify that you got a good spark on the piston thats supposed to be firing, if all that fails and the shop can't provide answers then start getting alittle tough with them, after all you paid for it .
it may help if we knew what engine it is...
if its an eco the physical length of the cams is liek 3-4 inches different so they can not be confused and put in the wront place
Its a 2.4 and the engine shop looked into the numbers and turns out the used 2 intake cams by accident and are gonna fix the problem for free and reimburse me some money for time.
Thanks for the help and its good to know i can reverse the charges on my credit card if i have problems.