how do you remove this also the engine turn off?
Being able to rev higher will not be of any benefit to you unless you do some extensive engine mods. You'll get more power by shifting to the next gear.
You probably have a fuel flo problem if your car is boggin down. If you want to be stupid the answer can be found
here about the speed limiter.
he didnt say speed he said rev
you have an auto i take it?
shouldt just sit there and rev it
its bad to sit there and rev the engine in park. dont do it.
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
^ why?
Goodbye Bobby, May God grant you the peace you never found in life.
“Here's my counter-offer to your counter-offer: go f**k yourself.”
—Al Swearengen
^^^ excessive engine wear, excessive gas use = overall stupidness.
Fact 1:
This post may contain misspellings, grammatical errors, disorganized sentence
structure, or may entirely lack a coherent theme.These elements are natural
to my process of writing, and will only add to the overall beauty of the post.
Fact 2:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely