Well its getting close. I'm going to be moving down to Houston in a relatively short period of time, like 3 months or less. I'm excited for a change of scenery...
Ok, but here's the problem
I don't think I'm going to get much notice to get down there. It'll be something like my boss calling me and telling me that he'd like me down there within the next 14 days (from the time he calls). Its kind of hard to apartment hunt being like 2500 miles away...
So I need some help. What I'm looking for, and trying to get an idea of availability, is something around the north west side of Houston (my work is right on the beltway), outside of the city, up to 45 minutes driving. I want to find a house to rent, with garage (attached or not). I'm trying to get a feel for price and availability.
Also, if somebody may be willing to grab some of those apartment magazines (they were all over the place when I lived in Milwaukee), and send them up to me, I'd pay for the shipping and maybe a little extra for the time.
Can't wait to get down there though, some nice weather will be a decent change. Plus not having to worry about all the salt on the roads
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ill gather all the info u need if u help me with my boost project lol.. nawh ill grab a few when i go to walmart later... i live on the south east side of houston.. i know eric (esb) and freddy live on the north side and theres a few more people im forgetting but yeah right now its in the mid 70s during the day and a little cold at night but im sure it wouldnt be too bad for someone that is used to cold weather.. but yeah ill get as many as i can find....
here comes the boost!
I always grab those apartment guides for myself so I have no problem getting some extra. So let me know when you need them. So I hope you enjoy our city.
Yeah I live in the north side myself.
damn thats pretty @!#$ty of your boss to give you such short notice...But its houston so im sure there are plenty of options for you. Good luck on the search though man...
I need photoshop...cause its time for a new sig
haha david i was thinking the same thing with the boost project.
shifted - as far as i know, you better off staying somewhere in the NE or NW side of town. I only say that cuz majority of the apartments in houston are vacant with Louisiana ppl from the hurricane that have decided to start a new life here. And also, it's nicer over here in the NW
but in all seriousness...have a good stay and I hope you find a place soon. gl