i plan on selling my bomex kit
i have an 03 2door cavi
full fiberglass kit
problem 1 it has a crack on the front it is fixable
problem 2 the guy that had it before me spray painted it the hit is half sanded
asking $150.00
to bad not a 03sunfire. when you coming out to visit?
i would like to come out soon but with gas prices the way they are well your
guess is as good as mine
al i hear is blah blah blah
im going to OK this sat for a couple hours then coming back.
wow i guess nobody wants a half sanded and cracked kit
id consider it but its for a cav, give it a little time
i do but i dont know how to post them
where do i send the money is all i need to know, just tell me whats up
man nvm damn cingular bill
it'll fit the 02... just not the front.