omg! it was raining earlyer 4 a bit, and there is a bunch of lighting & thunder right now! its freakin awesome!
this is heading tword fresno right now! maybe it will make it?
I want some rain too. It better be coming to sac.
vegas got a @#$% load of rain
It was raining like a bitch at 5:15 this morning. I've never seen the drops so big before. Once it hit the ground, it made a good 1.5 - 2 inch diameter spot on the ground. Big drops.
its like overcast and couldy right now
it so freaking awesome! i need to go do something while i can enjoi it. also i thik it was heading noth so it might make it to sac
It was awesome. I slept through our rain at about 5:00 this morning, but I was awake at about 12:30 last night (this morning) and saw an ass load of lightning. It was striking every 15 seconds, it was crazy. Some of it was so big it lit up the whole sky.
It was cool, we haven't had crazy weather here in a really long time, they say it's because of the heat on the ground colliding with the recent cold air were getting, and it forms some crazy ass weather.
i got to check it out in a big ass warehouse at 4 in the morning. sounded like an airplane was trying to land out front it was so damn loud. our power got knocked out so we were all just chillin on the dock while the lightning lit up the warehouse. it was sweet. got paid to chill for like 3 hours while the power got fixed.
Sparks wrote:i got to check it out in a big ass warehouse at 4 in the morning. sounded like an airplane was trying to land out front it was so damn loud. our power got knocked out so we were all just chillin on the dock while the lightning lit up the warehouse. it was sweet. got paid to chill for like 3 hours while the power got fixed.
If I would have been there, I would have fought you.