Problem with quick release - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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I went to remove the fuel filter today and i got everything off but i cant get the quick release to come off its all rusted and corroaded sp?. I tried pliers everything. Theres no clip on the outside of it and i can move it in and out but it dont come off. Is there away i can just remove the entire release and buy a new one?? How would i remove it? Also after about an hour fightin with the thing i was just layin there try to think of something to do about it and all of a sudden gas start shottin out of the threaded end of the line. i mean like a high pressure hose spray. Then it stoped after about 10 secs. What the hell was that about??
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
I'm not 100% sure on this since i did the one on my car a looong time ago, but i think you need the lil plastic clip release thing. They slip on over the line on the filter then you push them in the fitting and releases the clip. Should be able to buy them at any autopart stores.
I think thats right...I always used a flattop screwdriver to push in the plastic clips. but dont pry on the outside plastic housing too much...for obvious reasons. It should just slide out. wiggle it around a bit.
As for your other question. It sounds like there was just a residual line pressure. That would force out the fuel.
i tried everything to get it out. There is a rust cover cover goin around it and there is no place on it were it would open to come off. i'm completely lost on this...
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
ok....i'm stumped could always cut the line and use some high pressure fuel hose...its a temporary fix...can you post a pic of the new filter? and old one too if possible
Took it from a different website. Thats the part but theres no slit in it and its all rusted and crap.
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
OK so i looked up a pic of the new should have a white plastic clip on it. That is what keeps it in place inside the black piece. I think that your black plastic piece is covered in rust from the line ...try and clean it up with some WD-40...or better...maybe a small tooth brush sized wire brush.
Hope this helps.
Other than this you could do the hose thing
My plastic clip like shown above broke, i ended up playing hell getting the metal ring out on the inside of the fuel line, but now use the normal plastic clips thats typical on GM Filters.
any other opitons. Can i just replace this??
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
^^ nice to see that STILL comes in handy for some people.
doesn't help to much since i know how to do it just cant get it to come off
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
Here's a picture of it , just in case it helps---ours is 3102/3 type usually.
Maybe needle nosed pliers to compress the retaining parts.
I "savaged" mine apart and was lucky, because I only broke the clip and there was a new one supplied with the filter.
i cut mine , went to autozone and bought a repair kit that came w/ the plastic clip and i also bought some high pressure fuel line and fixed it all up together.... i admit, for such a simple job.... that was a pain in the ass!!!
Ok im so freakin sick of this thing. I tried and tried and tried and nothing works its on there and wont come off. i tried everything possible to get it off. Is there anywhere i can just cut the damn thing off and put on a new one? What is this repair kit and if u could link to it that would be great..
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
bump anyone??
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
Well, searched around a little and found this link :-
I would give them a ring and explain exactly what you need to fix your problem, they seem to stock lotsa bits.
I was thinking of posting you the end off my old steel fuel line, it's a '93 2.2 so I'm not sure if it will fit-it is 3/8"--but Midway seems like the way to go
they didn't have anything. anyone else?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
the easiest way would be to just cut both ends of the line, buy a universal fuel filter, some high pressure hose and some clamps and just do it that way wont make any difference to the car plus it will be easier to change next time.
could i just cut the metal line out of it and use the rubber part and just slide that onto the filter then clamp it on with hose clamp?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
not sure what u mean are the lines going in and out of the filter not steel?
the one with the threaded end is steel the one with the quick release is rubber... O @!#$ someone cut the line before didn't they?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
is the plastic line all plastic or is there steel inside it ? if not you will have to get the quick release apart . you may have to get the release tool from the parts store and soak the rusted part with penetrating oil. try to scrape as much rust out as possible. i had the same problem on my car but the lines were steel so it wasnt a big deal
Well on the side with the release. Its got the release then a steel part with a 90* turn then its a rubber line. ill get a pic tonight if it doesn't get to dark out in an hour. There is any kind of thing to get it out. I soaked it and everything and its just a round metal thing that the filter is stuck in doesn't have a slot or anything.
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
in that case you will have to get the release tool otherwise you will have to get a shop to change it. shouldnt charge you much. your parts store might loan the tool out.I think ones in my area do.
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