I've got a 2001 Olds Alero (I know, not J-car, but this problem seems to apply across platforms). My blower motor resistor blew about 4 weeks ago. The last two settings on my blower worked fine, so I left it until it was warmer and more comfortable to work on my car (no garage).
Since then, my wife gave birth to our first child, so we've been driving her car almost exclusively since it is more comfortable. When I went to start my car after it had sat idle for 2 weeks, I turned on the heater and got nothing. I checked the fuse and it had blown, so I replaced it. Tried the heater again and again nothing. Another blown fuse. Does this just sound like a bad blower motor? Is this in any way related to the bad resistor?
Thanks for any help you can offer,
if your blowing a fuse, i would check the wires with the resistor and motor. im not sure were they are in that car thou.
Brady Fire Co. - Station 150
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