i have the tool i put it on the bolt and pulled it towards the front of the car(is that right) the bolt was real loose so i tightened it and soon as it was tight i tried to pull forward and the socket slipped. its starting to strip. i can still loosen it
what should i do?
also is it nessacary to take the alt. off to change the head gasket?
also what all gaskets will i need to replace just to get to the head gasket?
Thanks for the help
If i remember right with a 15 mm wrench you put it on the tensioner and push down to slacken it to take the belt off, but you don't have to take it off to do the head gasket. And yes the alt and power steering pump has to come off to do the head gasket. As for gaskets, get the whole head gasket kit. It has all the gaskets and o-rings and valve seals to do the whole job.
ya, if you have a 2.4 or a 2.3 you DO have to change almost all gaskets (head, valve vover, cam holder, timing chain cover) your best to get a gasket kit and dont forget to get head bolts, these bolts are torque to yeild bolts, mening they stretch to their exact limit, and cannot be used more than once
96 Sunfire,SE/GT, 2.4L Twin Cam, est 180hp
So i have the tool to release the tension. but i thought that you had to turn it to release the tension. it doesnt move at all. i tried pushing it down pulling up turnig it.
is there anyway that the tensioner is messed up?
the haynes manual tells you to turn it the wrong way. if the bolt on the tensioner pulley is loose, you're turning the wrong way. it takes some leverage (like two wrenches locked together or a longer wrench). push into it toward the firewall.
Michael Greene is correct, to the firewall. On my '96 2.4 the bolt is 13MM (1/2"). Good luck.
i have the 2200. and i have the chilton it says turn it clockwiser. it also says for the 2.3 and 2.4 to turn it clockwise also but in the picuter in the book it syas to turn the way the arrow is and the arrows pionting to the firwall like you guys said. but in the steps in says clockwise funny huh? a 15mm fits on the bolt. i turn it towards the firewall but that just loosens it so i figured if i kept turning it i would remove the bolt but i could be wrong. so what should i do just install i new tensioner. because the bolt is starting to get rounded and i dont want to deal with a stripped bolt.
If you do not feel confident with the tensioner/bolt, change it out.