i was comin home last night and all of a sudden i hear a pop. its runnin bad and is constantly popping. it sounds like a rod is bent or broke or somthin. later did i realize, i was low on oil, and i think thats why it happend. my check oil light was apparently broken and i did not know. i pretty sure i cant fix it. soo...
Is it fixable?
Can i do it myself?
Is it even worth fixin?
About how much would it cost me?
Would it be easier to get a new engine?
Or is it scrap?
any help is appreciated
if u blew/bent a rod your car wouldnt turn over.
u may have bent a vavle or dropped a vavle i would think if it still runs
Take it to a shop to get it diagnosed its not a bent rod as said before the car wouldnt run with that could be valve train related should be able to get a shop to listen quick and they will have an idea maybe.
<br><img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/728000-728999/728095_1.jpg">
Yes officer I knew the speed limit was 50
we dont know what the hell it is
Can you have a mechanic you trust to tell you what's wrong & give you an estimate?
At least then you'd know what it is. If its a major component, you'd probably be money ahead to just get a good used motor to swap in. My 2 cents.