Ok after changing my alternator and oil (i also put some atf in to clean out the engine) my car wont start now when its cold (in the moring) but when i get back from work around 4:00pm it starts up with no problem. When its cold the engine cranks but wont fire. Any ideas?
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/djlouie/s2.JPG">
Could you have disturbed (if you have it?) the circuit from the ECM to the fuel pump relay when you changed the alternator?
It seems as though you do not have the 2-3 secs of pump run on starting to prime the system, but you have the pump running correctly through the oil pressure switch for normal running.
When the engine is warm enough through ambient temperature it starts on the "run" fuel alone.
May even be the relay has fritzed , easy to check
Thes are only ideas so:-
Please disregard this whole post if you don't have the typical ECM prime and oil pressure switch run system in your car
Good Luck