im putting the cams into my 2.4L i cleaned the housing and everything, and i took out the lifters in order, and put them in a box, filled it with oil and marked where they go. i accidently bumped the box and they got all mixed up. i have no idea where they go, is this a problem? the book says to put them in the same cylinder they came from, but if i check to see that there is no resistance and they travel up and down smootly, i should have a problem, right? thanks
i didnt mix up exhaust cams with intake cams, they are kept seperate in different boxes, just i dont know what order they go in.
if the lifter are still flat on top and not grooved, you can mix them up anytime you want. It ain't that bad with the 2.3 and 2.4 lifter since they can turn all they want in the housing so they are not worn in 1 spot but everywhere so it doesn't matter.
2.3 Ho