Where is the PCV valve on a 93 3.1L RS? I need to know soon as my emmisions test is soon.
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
should be in the front valve cover if im not mistaken
Right on the front valve cover, it's connected via the air tube that connects to the intake.
close to the TB?
i'll go out now and check, thanks
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
ok modifying the question a bit.....Seeing how i'm not having any luck finding it (and have never changed one) where is the PCV valve (pics would be AWSOME!) and how do i change it?
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
There should be a black tube coming out of the valve cover like Mike said. It's like a 3/4" tube, and at the valve cover theirs like a grommet kind of thing...pull the tube straight out and the PCV is on the end of the tube.
Hope this helps
if its the tube i tried, it wasnt there....mind you the tube i pulled was the one that comes off the intake hose and into the intake mani. its for oil over flow or something like that. I dont think thats the one. is it on the front manifold or rear? any pics?
thanks again,
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
there is no oil overflow
the pcv is a metal piece that when you have it out will kinda rattle when you shake it
the tube goes into it and it slips into the valve cover
ok, we're not thinking of the same thing....i'll try and get a pic of my engine bay and point out what im talkin about
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
The PCV is on the back valve cover...kinda right under the middle of the upper plenum. Theres a hose that runs to it and it takes some wigglin to get it off. I miss my old Z
oh man, sounds hard to get at, i'll give it my best tommrow.......you miss your Z?....i dont like MY car
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
omg how are you suppost to get to anything back there, thats rediculous. I still cant find the damned thing
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
lol its the only thing that goes into the valve cover back there....slide your hand along the top of it your bound to find it. You may have to move some stuff outta the way. I assure you its there.
RedZ24SS wrote:lol its the only thing that goes into the valve cover back there....slide your hand along the top of it your bound to find it. You may have to move some stuff outta the way. I assure you its there.
yeah its like right under your map sensor
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
ok, i'll give it another go after work today.......wtf does this thing even do, sure as hell doesnt help emmisions i just failed!
1993 Cavalier RS 3.1L
--yea beating honda is like saying you beat a retarded kid at a math test.
it vents your crank case
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback