Hey guys, newbie here
I just got a 03 cavalier from a lady that said the engine was "seized"
I planned on putting in a junk yard motor but though I'd give it a once over. I found some EXTREMELY sludges up oil from lack of maintenance. I pulled the plugs and they were carbon and oil soaked so I replaced them. After changing the oil and changing the plugs I cracked her over.. It cranked and cranked but nothing. I sprayed some ether and nothing. I help it to the floor and cranked and what do you know? After some coaxing and wishing it finally started and ran.. I guess it wasn't seized huh? It still ran rough and blew out some nasty stuff. I noticed I could rev it up but it would die if I tried to floor it. I took it for a ride and got the same results, no power at full throttle but it ran fine at any part throttle. I put in some premium file and some gas treatment. And I also cleaned all the oil residue build up from the throttle body and air intake. It started fine the rest of the day after that, but it did have some low idle and noise below 800-1000 rpms. Two days later I went to start it but guess what, no start. Had to coax it to start again.. I am getting a check engine light and an occasional service light. I can't take the car anywhere right now to have that checked but ill be getting a scanner soon.
Any advice would help. THANKS GUYS
Any advance auto/autozone can scan the codes for free if you can get it there and back. A lot of things it could be, maybe pull the pan and see how much sludge is really in there?

"In Oldskool we trust"
I don't have any tags on the car yet so I can't really take it to get scanned. I might drop the pan to take a peak after I run some motor flush through it awhile.
Still gotta figure out the lights and noise. I wonder if it could be the timing chain tensioner causing th noise and hard starting.
put a little bit of transmission fluid in it, 1/2 a bottle or so, then let it run and then change the oil after a 30 minutes of driving or so. then repeat. transmission fluid is a detergent and will really help to clean it out.
only thing is if it is so sludged up putting a cleaner in it or trans fluid might make a big chunk break off and clog a hole, then there will be trouble.
That sounds like a good idea. When I changed the oil I got some BB sized soft sludge particles out of the drain. I think this car was without an oil change for about 20k miles.
Do you think I can run the trans fluid longer to get it more clean? What are the downsides to running 1/2 a bottle of trans fluid in the engine.
i normally run a 1/2 quart on every other oil change, its a lubricant and a detergent, an old GM heavyline guy told me about it and ive done it ever since, after about 5k miles i pulled my valave cover off and it looks brand new, no gunk no staining no nothing.