i need help again - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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so my car is using way too much gas, i let it run about 10-15 mins and idle and it uses alot of gas, ill have about 1/4 tank of gas, ill drive about 15 miles, and itll be empty, im not sure what it could be, maybe O2 sensor? exhaust? what do you guys think
m3ch, do you mean you let it sit in park and idle for 15 minutes, maybe i'm just completely misunderstanding what your saying there you should be able to go a lot further than 15 miles. You said you'll have about 1/4 tank of gas, i don't know i always thought you could get more than 15 miles out of that much gas but why would you let it sit in park and idle for 15 minutes straight. I thought i heard somewhere a long time back that excessive idling is hard on a car maybe i'm mistaken.
well i have a kid i haul around so i need it to be warm, maybe its less time, like 5 mins idk it feels like forver tho, and i know i should get more miles outta it because my 97 blazer runs about 5 mins and i get like 30 miles when its about empty
yeah true m3ch, and especially being that our cars are little 4 bangers, you would think you'd be getting at the very minimum 25 miles. Although and i don't know if it's true or not, they say the smaller engines don't take as long to warm up. Like if you have the heater on or such but i don't know for sure.
yeah i do, but usually on full, only till i get moving then it warms up fast, then i drop it down to the second speed setting, like i said only about 2-5 mins, but im going to check the injectors, anyway on doing it without using OBD2? if not then idk
Yeah that's like mine, except i have the eco but the second i start moving in like nothing flat it's like an oven in that car LOL.
Make sure your spark plugs are good.
i know for a fact i need plugs, on both cav and blzr
It could be that the gas gauge is not accurate. In my 97, the last 1/4 tank goes a lot faster than the fist 1/4. The last 1/4 is more like 1/8 or less.
2.2 97 Cavalier......the "Crapalier"
no, its pretty accurate
its like anything else.. the gauges arent accurate imo...
Same with a cell phone.. it'll stay at 100% for awhile, but get it down under 10% and watch how fast it drains.. i know one has nothing to do with the other, but the result is the same..
the top 1/4 of your tank is bigger then the bottom 1/4 in my experience with every car..
But its cold out, you are idling your car every morning, you say you need spark plugs... that'll do it too..
My 01 2200 has run completely out of gas twice without the light ever coming on. Never trust a fuel gage. Generally speaking, almost every car is meant to be able to make it around 300 miles on a tank of gas. Every 200-250, fill up. It's pretty cold out, so that's almost always going to burn more fuel than in the summer; even when the car is warmed up. Maybe try upgrading to a 4-wire heated oxygen sensor in the front. There's threads on that in the performance forum. Other than that; plugs, wires, air cleaner. Not to come off like a jerk, but are you sure you don't have a pin hole in the tank or lines somewhere? Sometimes a good sharp stone can hit those exposed lines just right...

"In Oldskool we trust"
yeah... look for little drops in the driveway.. thats always a sure-fire test..
my gauge just decides to not work once and awhile... i get a check gauge idiot light and look over and my gas is empty... then all of a sudden, the needle moves back up and the light goes out like nothing happened...
If your driveway is on an angle, that can mess you up too... lol... thinking you have a 1/4 tank until you level the car out and you got nothin! lol
na, i was parked evenly, and there is no pin hole in the lines either, the check gages light comes on at about 40 miles left, i guess i should get usta it, im use to my blazer too much, because it has a digital read out of how many miles i got left, but after 40 its useless in my blazer, so i just reset the trip
every car maker will have a different reserve capacity, it will vary even between models... my buddys VW can go forever on empty..
my z24.... not so much.. haha.. when that needle hits Empty, it aint lying...
In my opinon, If you need tune up, I would do it, It will save you cash on fuel, It wouldnt hurt replacing fuel filter and air filter if it hasn't been done.
I say do a tune-up and see where that gets you.
OK there is no way your car can actually be burning that much gas LOL.... your fuel mixture would have to be like past 1.1 LOL theres no way it could run.
Either your fuel gauge is messing up or you have one hell of a leak somewhere...
Drive the car.... then fill it until the pump clicks off and pay attention to how much your getting in there... (and check your mileage)
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