I have to replace my A/C clutch.. its making noises, I know its the clutch. So I have almost brand new compressor sitting here ready to go on. Im not sure about A/C lines, etc.. is it safe? or any special tools to stop the fluid from coming out? or I better off letting a shop to do this kind of work? I dont usually let any shop to work on my cars at all.
I need to get it done asap. thanks!
You should be able replace the clutch w/o removing the compressor.
If your going to remove the compressor, atleast take it to a shop and have them properly recover the R-134A. Yes, the backyard hack "mechanics" will say you to just open the system and let it vent. I am A/C certified and know how dangerous the refrigerant can be. It's also illegal here in the US and you can be fined over $1000, if caught.
If you do open your system to its a very good idea to replace the receiver/dryer, due to the excess of moisture that can ruin the desiccant. Also those backyard recharge kits cannot accurately measure the amount of oil that was removed when the system was evacuated and how much needs to be added. Too much or too little oil can cause A/C performance problems or premature failure of components.
Ok I guess I gotta get me an A/C pulley puller..
thank you Tinkles!
I have done the clutched on other vehicles, but not a J yet. So im not sure how much room you would have to work. There are snap rings holding a few parts on, so if something isnt coming off check for one.
Hey Tinkles, yeah there are 2 snap rings.. the last one was a little bit hard to get out. Hope its all what I need to switch over? SO I can start on the car tomorrow!
Will I be able to move the A/C compressor around with the line still attached to it from the car?? I hope so!
Here's some pics.. is that all? anything more?
Thanks for the link slickster!
You might be able to move the compressor around alittle, but like i said before i havent done it on a J yet. Just dont kink the metal lines.
The parts you have removed should do the trick, assuming the clutch was good off that compressor. The only thing im iffy about is the magnet. If i remember right it sould either be a press fit or have a snap ring holding it in place. I would see how much of a PITA it is to get that magnet off and if its not too bad replace it too. Just to be on the safe side, but chances are that its fine and the actual clutch is just shot.