Installing cam towers gone bad! - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Installing cam towers gone bad!
Monday, May 19, 2008 7:25 AM
Ok this passed weekend i was installing my new cams and when i was torqueing down the cam tower on the exhaust side i just glanced at my book and seen 132 and started to proceed to torque them to that and as soon as they started to get pretty tight i stopped and told my self wait the head only needed to be torqued to 30. i didnt torque the towers to the whole 132 but i also dont know where about they did get torqued to, could i have damaged the head at all like warped it from the bolts pulling to hard on the head? I dont know weather i need to take the head back off and have it relooked at and if i do would i need to buy a whole new set of head bolts and a new head gasket?

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