Hi all,
Is there any easy way to check how much life is left on the clutch plate for an 03 cavalier 5 speed 2.2L?
Ok if I could remove this thread I would. What I am really looking for is information on replacing a clutch kit. I have never done it before and I am looking forward to doing it and being successful at it. It makes me feel good to overcome an obstacle. I have had the clutch die on me before. I bought the car with 36k on it and the clutch went around 45k. Not sure if it was me or the previous owner that messed it up. But I was always careful and never “popped the clutch" to peel tires. I would like to do it however but first I want to learn how to replace the clutch so if I create a problem or failure I would be able to resolve it. I remember when the mechanic replaced it it cost $1300 for labor and parts up till this day that still hearts me and that was 2 years ago. Now I am just scared of another episode like that happening all over again. So if you can please help to learn how to do this. I know that most of you have done the job yourself. And if you all can provide some information on what kind of problems I will run into when replacing the clutch kit it will be most appreciated.
diy.alldatapro.com i believe... or Hayes manual is always a good start... ever pulled cv joints, dropped tranmissions? though its not really hard, its always good to have osmeone that knows what they are doing, tho dont have to be there, just a phone call and a short drive away helps... the absolute first is air tools in my opinion
its kind of like taking off a girls clothes before getting laid for the first time, its pretty simple, but just dont want to do anything wrong
get a manual, it has a "step by step" in there. sounds like you REALLY got hosed last time...
Yeah John! Unfortunately it's the price you pay for being incapable of doing it yourself. BTW Thomas I like that comparison I can attest to that. Every time I have to work on my car I get nervous and excited. It's the same when it's time to get laid...lol. I have changed my left drive axle before and it was not to bad. I also noticed the amount of bolts on the trans "quite a few BTW." I got to make sure I have the right tools before I tackle a major task like that. I did look into the book but it’s a little pricey especially when you are a student. Finically life sucks. If you all have any more information please let me know.
Thanks all.
As long as you drive it with respect, the clutch should last a long time. Mine's still original at 216,000km (about 134,000 miles) and working fine. The "grab point" is slowly getting higher in the pedal travel, so I'm sure its day is eventually going to get here. My brother just traded his car in at 176,000km, also with the original clutch. The pedal pad had actually worn right through to the metal on his, but the clutch itself was still working fine. That was his first car with a 5 speed too, so to me that says something about the durability. I'd be really happy if mine lasts to the 300,000 mark (or beyond) at which time I just might consider getting something different...
As long as it seems to "bite" fine, and you're not almost at the top of the pedal travel before it engages, you shouldn't have to worry about it. As long as you haven't topped it up, I believe that the fluid level in the reservoir is also an indicator of wear on these units. Mine is nearly 1/2 way down now, so we'll see how things go over the next couple of years. If I didn't use mine to tow my boat, it would probably be a little healthier now too I suspect...
wow! that is really good.