Power Steering Leak - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Power Steering Leak
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 8:08 AM
Here's my problem,

i have noticed that my power steering seems to be leaking around the reservoir. I have checked out everything else and all seems to be good. The leak is not bad but it has gotten down to one of my pulleys and thus i have some belt noise when its damp out until the belt dries off. I am planning to replace the belt after the winter and clean the pulleys but before all that i need to make sure i have the leak corrected.

I have done a search and it seems that there is an o-ring on the reservoir that has a tendency to go and can be replaced. Has anyone ever done this before and is it difficult to do? Anything special i need to watch out for?

PS. Its a 2002 Sunfire 2.2

Thanks in advance!

Re: Power Steering Leak
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1:40 PM
Is the resevoir attached to the power steering pump itself in this year car? Cause the one in my 97 is and it was leaking pretty noticably. I just picked up a new pump off ebay and replaced it, it wasn't very expensive and it's been fine ever since.
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