could someone help me out with why my engine light came on today? like what the possible symptoms it could be, or how I can find out what is wrong before something bad happens
go to autozone or find someone with a OBD2 scanner and read the code and it will tell you whats wrong
OMFG. We are not mind readers. There are hundreds of things that can cause a CEL. Get the frickin codes read and THEN post.
open the hood. is the engine still there? if not, diagnose that issue first. if it is there then idk why your light would be on.
i think he is being a smart ass. atleast i hope so. hey megatron pm me your phone number ill call you and put the phone up to your engine and ill tell you whats wrong. lol
could someone help me out with why my engine light came on today?
something is wrong with your car. that is why it came on
get the code read then come back and tell us what it says

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
holy @!#$ you guys are asses nevermind ever asking for help again thanks alot
well dude we need to know what code caused your CEL light to come on so we can help you. coming on here and saying what you said dont tell us anything

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
im gonna get it scanned wednesday thanks for at least telling me that much, and thank you red99z24 for an adult comment its appreciated
Dude megatron it common sense. We cant do jack@!#$ unless we know what the code(s) are. As for my harshness, im fed up will idiots thinking that we can magically diagnose your car w/o knowing any info about it.
To satisfy you i will summon my JBO magical diagnostic powers and assume since you have mentioned any drivablity problems and going with my experience with my j-bodys. Im gonna guess its emissions related.
ok this is weird i was on my way home from work and the light just went out does that mean it is nothing to worry about or is it just gonna get worse ? lol
No CEL = No active codes = No problem at the moment.
I would still get the car scanned, cuz there should be a code logged in the comp.
Have it checked out.
I'm gonna go with Tinkles and assume it's emissions related.
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.
still gonna get it checked thanks guys