my tranny mounts are starting to go and so is my lower engine mount.
As for the tranny mounts will you feel it in the driveline should i bother changing those?
Thinking of going poly for lower engine mount i know all cars are different can u guys list what u have changed and if u are getting little, some or ample amount of vibrations at idle and in the driveline if you have changed the mtx mounts?
also poly are diff from solid correct?
Well i did motor mounts and i get some dash vibrations but i also have the LN2 not the LD9. I would say go for the mounts because they do make a difference by giving less play and tranferring the power to the wheels instead of having the engine movement absorb some of it. If you do end up getting them check out
Turbo Tech Racing and order your stuff.
PM us if you have any questions about mounts

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