I have a 2001 Sunfire GT, which I blew up late last year. I purchased a totaled cavalier earlier this month and swaped the engine into my car. The cavalier was hit in the front, and the intake manifold was broken. So I purchased one off a .org member, a few weeks back. The old manifold that was broken, was thrown away by someone without my knowledge. I noticed the other day that there is a hole on the back side of the intake, just below the TB. I have no idea what goes there. I noticed online that the 96-99 intakes are listed seperate from the 00-01 intakes. Does anyone know what the hole is for on the back side of the intake manifold, if it's there on both pre 00 and 00+ models? I thought about just blocking the hole off, but I figured I would check first and save myself some trouble. I found plenty of pictures of the intake manifold from the front, but nothing from the rear that gives me a clear picture of what I need.... thanks
again.... you could respond to my messages.
I think its a hole for EGR.
I don't think you have EGR on your 2001, so block it off.
no.... no response? nice.
spacemason wrote:I think its a hole for EGR.
I don't think you have EGR on your 2001, so block it off.
Do not take this advice.... I have the same hole on the back of my intake.... there is a hose that connects to it (no idea where it goes)
It is ment to hook to a air/oil box that is located under your intake manifold... you can either hook a hose connecting the two or you can put a little breather filter on the intake hole and run the hose to a catch can its for the little oil that will leak out of it. It has something to do with emission/vacuum. If you are not running forced injection i would suggest just connection a hose and everything will be fine.
there is a hose that connects to it (no idea where it goes)
That's great McManus, but you have a post 2000 ld9, as does Speedracer_01.
Zach, is the hole in question is on the intake
manifold? I think Speedracer_01 is thinking about the hose connection on the intake tube, not the intake manifold.
I have a 98 z24. I removed the intake manifold last weekend. On the backside of the manifold, just below the throttle body, is where EGR valve vents to. When i took mine apart, i left the EGR tube on the manifold so i can't describe the hole perfectly... but the location sounds dead on.
I don't know if the post 2000 ld9s have this hole or not, but my car does and its for EGR.
On my car the oil/air box connects to a big nipple on my intake pipe on one side and the timing chain housing on the other, and not to the
manifold at all.
If you are still having this problem, i would be happy to run out to the shop with the digicam and pull my manifold. Visual aids are always nice...
It's for the egr, i just swapped my motor after i blew the other one up(ld9) and i got lucky and the new motor does not have a egr
if it is a hole between the intake and the motor then it can only be EGR.....either block it off or get the correct year since blocking off on the plastic intake will not be woth the time.
Yeah, looks like it's for the EGR. So I blocked it off and everything works great now! I appreciate all of the responses from everyone!