Ok so I have done a few seafoams to my car so I don't really understand what would have happened here. I started my car and lt it warm up out of the blue and then I put 1/3 a can in and let it set for a few minutes. While I was waiting I had noticed when the car was running a weird buubling coming from my #4 spark plug.
So I pull it to check it and everything is decent it just had some spilled seafoam on it and need to get some gunk off of it. So then I pull all my plugs and check them then replaced them exactly as they came out. Then i started up my car and I got a decent amount of smoke. I looked at the engine and noticed that I had unplugged the Intake air sensor of to manipulate my air intake, so I plug it back in and everything is fine.
The car started fine was running a little bit better. Then I slowly brought the rpms up to 3300 and ejoyed the smoke show. So I get back in my car and notice my check engine light it on. I turned the car off. and on still there. So i drove it around and teh car acted very normal turned it off and on again the light is still on and then I notice my ETS is off and I cant get it to turn on.
I am a little agrivated at myself and a little worried. I have read the posts with CELs on and then they go away or it's because of all the crap being burned off but for it to affect my ETS is weird. I would greatly appreciate teh help. As of right now I disconnected the battery to see if it would reset the car.
thanks to all of you who help me
IAT CEL can affect the trans shift pressue and ETS.
Best bet to clear it, go up to Autozone etc. have them do it, disconnect the battery for a good period of time as you're doing.
Yea I just reconnected it and there was no CEL my ETS came back and everything runs nice and smooth. thank you Do you think I should still go to autozone or some place to have tehm scan it and reset it?
probably wouldnt hurt, mine did the same thing, cleared it off runs good.