Hi everyone.
Im having a problem with my '96 Sunfire 2.4L Automatic. The fuel pump does not run/prime when the key is in the "ON" position. Usually before starting the car if it has been sitting, you could put the key in the ON position (not start) and hear the pump run for a second just to build up pressure. It does not run/prime anymore however when the key is ON. It does however run when the car is cranking over to start. Since the prime is not built up yet though it typically cranks for 5-7 seconds before starting. It always starts it just takes a lot longer since there isnt the pressure in the line. On a side note I have not noticed any leaks/smelt any gas anywhere. I did recently replace the fuel pressure regulator on the fuel rail and had the fuel filter changed. Coincidentally the problem started when I got the car back from the garage after having the fuel filter changed. However this problem isnt directly related to a mechanical pressure problem, but an electrical problem since the pump doesnt run when the key is in the on position. Is there a relay or something I should be looking at? A connector or something?
Thanks in advance
There is a fuse for the fuel pump in the fusebox on the dashboard, driver side, I think it is labeled fuel injection, you may change it and see what happens. Also check the fuse box in the engine bay there´s probably a relay also, it should be indicated in the cover.
if it was the fuse it wouldnt run ever. check the relay.
I just had this same problem with my grand am and walbro pump. If the fuse and relay check out to be ok, then you will need to check the voltage at the fuel pump and if that is ok then you either have a loose pump connection( this was my problem) or the pump is burnt out and you need a new one. good luck.
Thanks for the answers. The car runs just fine. I commute 225 km's a day...about 140 or so miles. The problem is just that it doesnt prime up when the key is turned 'on'. I checked the fuses they're fine. If I had bad voltage at the pump then it wouldnt be running great. So im inclined to think its a relay problem. Where is the relay located for the fuel pump?
Thanks again!!
not 100% positive , but it should be under the hood with all the other relays. the black box by the battery