I just noticed that when i am turning sharply to the right there is a noticible pop in the steering... there is no noise but just a popping feeling.... now i have gotten the cv looked at and it's in good shape... i've heard something about a lube kit for the steering??? The car is an 01 sunfire gt
the suspension may be another culprit. When I rebuilt mine and didn't properlt seat every single component it made a popping sound. The bearings were a little off and the upper coil spring insulator was rubbing.
hmm.. havn't had any major work done to the suspension.... the thing that puzzles me is that the car runs perfectly straight, there is no vibrations in the steering and nothing else out of the ordinary besides the fact that it does this weird pop... i've also noticed that when i'm turning right into a drive way that when the right wheel hits the curb there is also a small pop in the steering (now i don't know if that is related to going up the curb or if its being i'm turning right)