Alright, so today I wanted my time and money going to the track ($20 for gas, $43 for racing plus a spectator) to find out that the car STILL isn't working right. First run was a 16.8 and the second was a 16.5 Last year at this time the car was running 15.59. Since then the only thing I have changed is the ICU (Ignition Control Unit) because the car had no power and sounded like a freakin' go-kart (not the shifter kind).
After getting a used ICU off of Kyle (Rawkfist) I installed it and the car was seemingly back to normal. I took the car to the track about a month ago and ran a 16.5 I can't say for sure this is the problem, but its either this unit or a fuel issue. When I initally got the part I dind't know that auto and manual transmissions made a difference with this, but I was informed by the dealer that it did. When I spoke to Kyle about this he said...
... that is the ICM Zach. And that did come off an auto engine, there was a flex plate attached to the crank when we shoved it into the car.
Another thing that began to show itself and why I left GLD after only 2 hours was that I turned off the trans torque management. When I read it to the computer the car didn't want to idle. Seeing that this wasn't going to work I returned it to stock where it again didn't want to idle. In order to get out of there I held down the gas just enough to keep the RPMs around 1,000 while stopped. If I didn't do that when I came close to stopping the car would shut off.
Now that I'm home something else just came up...the car now runs decent (power not all there obviouslly) but when I start the car it idles at 1,000 RPM for about 10 seconds, then jumps between 750 and 1250 RPMs for another 5 seconds, then finially settles at 600 RMP, but still waivers a little. If anyone has an idea I am all ears! Either way, I'll still be going to the Dells...probablly just slightly under powered.
Got it figured out...damn gas cap was the problem.