all other lights worked fine.
This car came in today to the shop, no headlights, all others worked fine.
So I checked, had 12V at the headlights, so everything before that is good. Resistance of the ground circuit was OFL.
Okay so I go to use the computer, doesnt have a location for the ground.
So I spent 45 minutes looking for a disconnected wire, or highly corroed wire couldnt find out.
Anyone know the location of the ground wire for those headlights, for fututre reference.
I lost an hour today cause I couldnt find it,
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
I realise this is not the exact answer to your question-- But---on the 1993 Cavalier the headlights are grounded individually with a self tapping type screw.
The locations are LHS screwed from engine bay forward, behind but outboard of windshield washer tank, RHS same location but opposite side.
Maybe someone with a '96 shop manual can confirm or deny that the location is the same
Not unheard of for the stalk switch on the steering colum to go bad, leaving you with DRLs and high beems only while the stalk is being pulled.