Coolant leak from back of motor - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Coolant leak from back of motor
Sunday, February 18, 2007 11:56 AM
I have a 96 2.4L(z24) and while the car is not overheating, I have coolant leak coming from 2 hoses with like an h shape plastic thing over it. When it leaks and the engine is running you see smoke coming from under the hood, but it is only because the coolant is hitting the part of the exhaust piping. The two hose run to the firewall. Can someone please tell me what these hoses are called and their purpose and the difficulty in changing them or what i can do to stop the leak.


when it comes to boobs i need a girl with bad grades cause im tired of all the ones walking around with straight a's

Re: Coolant leak from back of motor
Sunday, February 18, 2007 12:02 PM
change them out. that's the easiest way to stop/fix the leak.

they are the supply and return lines for the heater core. they should be about $40 from the dealership IIRC.

Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�

Re: Coolant leak from back of motor
Sunday, February 18, 2007 4:30 PM
how difficult are they to change?


when it comes to boobs i need a girl with bad grades cause im tired of all the ones walking around with straight a's
Re: Coolant leak from back of motor
Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:33 AM
ok, since this is somewhat like my problem i wont start another topic to crowd the forums up...............

well, i took my 98 2.2 in for the regular inspection, been having my low coolant light blink, just started............

well, everything looked fine, took it in to get looked at, get the thermostat changed and the coolant temp sensor looked at and they tell me that they think the head gasket is shot, its leaking coolant on the back of the motor, the said that they dont know for sure until the tear into it and see, but i'd hate to waste the time and money and it be something simple and save a ton of money over having a head gasket changed when its not the culprit.........

anybody have any ideas, i thank you in advance, i just want my cavy back, i dont like seeing it in the shop

maybe an overflow, water pump, etc.?????

everything just started all of a sudden, no warning or anything, let it idle and that temp hand climbs rapidly, drive it, it falls to normal, but when it idles its bad, heat doesn't get very warm, even with the temp hand close to the red........

any help is great

Re: Coolant leak from back of motor
Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:43 PM
ok i had coolant leaking on the back side of my motor like you do but it could be a couple things my problem was the same as jay blakes the hose running to and from the heater core wore dry rotting and falling apart and finally started to leak so i replaced them it fixed my problem its kind of a pain but if you have the right tools its easy fix. but it could be leaking from the head gasket or from the intake there are many possibilities. if its comming from the back of the motor it would be the water pump its on the side of the motor. but its its running warm then it could be a head gasket check to see if you oil and coolant have signs of them mixing together. check that and the heater core hoses and let me know!

Re: Coolant leak from back of motor
Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:44 AM
well, the guage goes up almost to the red, but the heat doesn't get warm like the car isn't warm...........

also if you drive it the guage goes back down to normal, just seems like it does it when it sits and idles, i've heard the fan kick on but the guage still climbed but never into the red...........

i will check into the two hoses in the back just to make sure and save some money if it isn't a head gasket
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