A few months ago I lost control in the rain and ran my '01 Z24 into the curb at about 50 mph. The drivers side wheel got pushed back into the fender and in a bit. I had just taken collision off a few weeks before that (of course) and I didn't want to spend a bunch of money getting it fixed at a shop, so I had it towed home and I've been driving my truck instead.
I finally got some time to look at the car a few weeks ago. The obvious problem I found was that the lower control arm was majorly bent, along with the stabilizer link. I ordered new ones from GM Parts Direct and they showed up today. I spent a few hours earlier wedging the control arm in, but I eventually gave up because I couldn't get the second bolt hole lined up. It was secure enough that I decided to start up the car and see if the wheel would turn though. After I got it going and put it in gear, the wheel turned for a few seconds then slowly stopped. The passenger wheel kept spinning just fine though. There wasn't any grinding or anything bad sounding, but any time I release the clutch it just spins for a few seconds then stops.
I'm guessing that's not normal. Anyone have any ideas what it could be? Is the axle broken somewhere? I figured if something was broken I would be hearing some noise, but it's not making a peep. Any insight would be appreciated.
Have you checked to see if the impact and bending of control arm caused the shaft to be disconnected from the splines in the case i.e. it has popped out?
I think it is only retained by an internal clip.
Push in on the axle and see if it pops into place if it is out. Wich I doubt. But it could happen. Usually when you hit a wheel like that that it bends the lower control arm you need to replace the knuckle and the hub. You most likely have a shot to hell hub. The reason you are not having any luck putting the bottom bolt in could be because the sub frame might be bent. Good luck with the fix. Hope you can get it fixed.
Actually you wont until you go faster.
I know on most Nissans, and most FWD vehicles, only one drive wheel spins up to about 8-12mph, than both start to spin.
this is to prevent torque steer.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
Thanks for the ideas guys. I don't think the subframe is bent, the main reason I'm having a problem getting the control arm in is because all the suspension is hanging down in the way, which makes it hard to push straight in like you need to. I was thinking about going an renting a spring compressor so I can take some more stuff off and make some room in there. If I grab on to the wheel and pull in and out I can get a little movement, but I'm not sure if that's because the axle is loose or because I haven't bolted everything up yet. I may try just getting everything bolted into place and dropping it down on the ground and see what happens then.