Woke up this morning, a liilte frost on the windshield, so I turn on the defroster, lock the car, come back out 10 minutes later, frost is still there!!! upon closer inspection, I find the air is still blowing out the front dash vents, and not the defroster vent. any ideas, how hard would this be to fix? Thanks
No car mentioned in the post, no car in your profile what kind of car are we talking about?
If the car has manual temperature control than it is most likely the mode door cable has came loose, or broke and it is sticking in the front vent position.
If this is automatic temp control, than most likely the mode door motor is not moving, usually if the wiring checks out and your able to enter self diagnostics and cant change the mode door through that we are talking about replacing a door motor.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new