Hello all,
I have a 99 Cavalier 5-spd, 2200 engine.. the problem with my car started this past spring when i started driving it for the summer... My car will crank and crank all day, but until i give it a little bit of throttle, it won't start! After i get it to start, it idles really rough and emits black smoke from the exhaust and i can smell the odor of fuel(as if the car is flooded out). Also, it has a really bad shutter to it. For example, when i shift gears and give it gas again, it shutters and bucks... but not all the time... also if cruising down the interstate in 5th gear and I let out of the throttle and coast, as soon as i give it gas again, it'll shutter and buck!! i don't know what else to do with it..
I've changed the fuel pump and fuel filter TWICE, plugs, plug wires, Throttle Position Sensor, MAP sensor, fuel pressure regulator, converter, oil pressure regulator, camshaft sensor, crankshaft sensor, fuel pump relay, cleaned the intake filter and tried injector cleaner. I don't know where else to go with the stupid thing... was hoping someone out there already had this problem and fixed it.. PLEASE HELP, i getting really tired of my cars crap!! THANKS!
Disconnect the injectors one at a time...see if it'll start and run like that. Then when you have the injector disconnected check to voltage at idle and make sure it's actually pulsing(you'll need an analog multimeter) not just constant as if it's shorted. It's running pig ass rich I can tell you that for sure. Did you test any of those things before you replaced them? and do you have a factory service manual? You'da prolly saved alot of money if you did test it all. If you've replaced all those things I can tell you they aren't the problem. Any check engine codes or light?
'96 Cavalier Good ol' Pushrod 2.2
-24X,000 miles on factory build
-Some oil loss between changes, me thinks it be rings.
If you do David's test, be sure to disconnect the O2 sensor or else the other three cylinders will get flooded. Also is it possible that one of the injectors are physically stuck open (even with no voltage applied) ?
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
The only way that i checked any of the parts that i changed was by hooking up a diagnostic checker and looking at all of the components that way... My dad has his own shop, so getting parts wasn't really a problem, money wise... lucky for me... I don't have any engine codes or lights, thats why I'm so puzzled by all of this... my dad has the Mitchell Manual with schematics and etc. for my car and i practically got the whole thing memorized already... i think I'm gonna do the checks you guys told me about and possibly just change out the injectors anyway... please let me know if you got anymore ideas! THANKS!
If you change the injectors and your still messed up it's gonna be ECU.
'96 Cavalier Good ol' Pushrod 2.2
-24X,000 miles on factory build
-Some oil loss between changes, me thinks it be rings.
Hey guys! I changed out fuel injectors this weekend and it fixed my problem!!! I hit the key and it starts right up! Thanks for all of your advice!!! My car still has a little miss or shutter to it when i pump the throttle when the car is idling or when I'm cruising down the highway in 5th gear... i think my intake or Venom chip might be causing that miss or hesitation but I'm not sure... if you might have any idea what might be causing that, please let me know... but other than that, everything is good! Thanks for everything!!
Venom chip? WTF is that for? is that one of those stupid performance mod chips? If it is take it off they jsut make your car rich and run like @!#$.
'96 Cavalier Good ol' Pushrod 2.2
-24X,000 miles on factory build
-Some oil loss between changes, me thinks it be rings.
^^^^ X2 ...I have a friend with a 2.2 sun/ and his engine was puffin black smoke and ended up pulling it out and giving it to me. after taking the throttle body off and seeing 8 years of carbon build up mixing with dirt and oil i knew why the motor was puffin even after four full bottles of carb cleaner there was still crap in there on the inside of the roof of the t/b i could just imagin how dirty the injectors were off came the intake man and fuel rail and yep same thing you should of seen the vavles! there was no real damage just carbon and crap .. 1 day later he phone to ask me if i wanted the mod chip that was in it!!!!! I told him naaaaaa ...Think i should tell him to get rid of it or use it on the new motor??? lol Yeah i told him to lose it and that it was the cause of the last motor
To bad theres no carbon build up sensor lol
Junk that peice of crap. I can't ever see it being beneficial.
'96 Cavalier Good ol' Pushrod 2.2
-24X,000 miles on factory build
-Some oil loss between changes, me thinks it be rings.