2000 z24 Cav - when the car is idleing it idles around 1500rpm and when driving and clutch is in it stays around 2300rpms untill coming to a stop where it drops back down to 1500. When the clutch is in it doesnt drop down untill the car is at a complete stop and even then it only drops down to 1500. Been to a shop who ran it on a computer said all was ok. Thought maybe the problem was because of my cruise control which was not working properly so they cut that and the problem went away for about a day and now is back.
Any ideas on whats going on here?
Some other guys here say that the car idles higher while in motion as an anti-stall mechanism. My 2200 coasts at about 1200 rpm and when I come to a stop, it drops to 900 rpm. I'd say check for vacuum leaks and also check your IAC valve. Create a small vacuum leak and see if the valve compensates. It sounds like the valve may be stuck open.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
Yes sounds to me you got a vaccum leak or youre IAC is gummed up with carbon, On my 2000 cavalier 5 spd drops to normal rpms.
Good Luck
Take the IAC out, it is on the front of the throttle body on the left. Two T20 torx screws and a connector. Clean the pintle with carb cleaner. Put it back in, then turn the key to the acc position w/out starting. Turn it back to off and wait 10 seconds. This returns the pintle to it's resting position. See how she runs.
Thanks guys! If we ever get sometime without rain here ill see if any of this helps...thanks