Well today is a said day I might say. I was so happy to get the 95 running again. It sounded so good. I was glad to get to park the fiero for a while for once. After I just put in a new oil sender unit that is in the lower intake cam houseing I was checkin' to make sure I had it tight. I saw just some oil around the fitting that had slowly come out. So I tuned it a full one and a half times more. Yes I should of only done 1 more turn, but I didn't do it. So I ended up crackin' the intake cam houseing where the sensor plugs in. I'm so happy with my self right now. So if anyone could maybe give me some helpfull hints on replacement of the intake cam housing I would be so happy again. I'm going to have to hit up the yards, or there is a guy in the regional area tha is parting out a 95 that I might be able to get parts from. Please any helpful hints from people that have done this before.
I just wanted to note that I'm just needing to change out the housing not doing the cam swap, but the more I think about it I might just look into findin' the exhaust cam while I'm there huh....
Anyone have a housing layin' around from a 2.3 for me? Please!