Well I thought it was a head gasket so I got it changed and everything put back together. I fired it up and it still won't start and blows white smoke and water out of the exhaust. It all started about 4 days ago. I started my car and it bogged down and wouldn't rev past 4,000 rpm. I got it in drive and it shut off. I turned it back on and put it in drive and it would shut off again. I looked at everything and there was no coolant in the oil and the coolant was the same level (I hadn't lost any). I figured it was a head gasket by how it was acting so I pulled the head off to find a perfect head gasket that looked almost new. I put the new one in any way and it still blows white smoke and I'm guessing water out of the exhaust and wont start. Does anyone have ANY idea on what the hell is wrong with this car? If you can help me at all please post.
Thanks in advance,
My guess would be youre cyl head has a crack in one of the intake valves, Did you get a rebuilt cyl head? My only other guess would youre a cracked block warped cyl head. Or you may need a few days or weeks to let the anti freeze burn off.
Did you have the head planed before doing the head gasket? Did you clean the block before putting the new gasket on?
SHOoff wrote:Did you have the head planed before doing the head gasket? Did you clean the block before putting the new gasket on?
Very important steps there.